Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Good morning to you as well, @crownpoodle
lol I’m always dropping beans! Been doing it back-to-back for a couple weeks now and will continue until I have all that list I posted awhile back going.
plus, lol in addition to dropping more beans… I’ve ordered several of the new tech stuff… Gen 1 clones of Gen 0 tissue culture mothers of strains

lol 2024 is going to be a VERY busy year for me, it’s looking like!


Good morning guys and gals. Finally starting to feel a bit better. Zee is still sick. She stayed in bed all day yesterday. Hope she feels better when she wakes up. This shit sucks out loud.


outta likes brother, so here ya go… lol straight from me robbing the Emoji like-bank!
:heart: :heart: :heart:

oh man, that sux to hear! hope both of yas are feeling a lot better soon!


On another topic… we’re supposed ot get a bit of snow… first of the season

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Hopefully Zee will start feeling better soon…… and stay in bed all day just for you!


Good morning to you, my friend! Hows it going? :heart: :heart: :heart:


Only say that word once please……. I left that crap in the NE and don’t care to see it!


Me too. I saw all the snow I ever wanna see before I left Beantown

loll IKR? I’m notlooking forward to it either, but … tis the season. So, we just gotta deal with it and hope it isn’t a very bad season!

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Did you guys check out my post here:


thnx for the link, just went and peeked! Looking damn nice there brother! :heart: :+1:

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You don’t count. You’re always dropping seeds. Rather a nice bed of worm poop in your case. I should start more. I should ALWAYS be starting seeds at the rate I kill small plants lately. Start bag seeds until I can keep them all alive! Much is operator error. I’m not quite that bad, but I really need to focus. That’s been a weak part of my game I intend to correct.
I’m running out some testers and would like to continue to do so. I saw the “to be tested” list and there were some potential gems. :gem: Maybe if my current testers go good, I can run more. Seems guys are always looking for reliable testers. I don’t necessarily want to just run testers, but I want to be THAT guy. The reliable one people count on. It’s not like I’ve been flakey. A little slow at times, but I’m trying.
Progress, not perfection. :wink:


Hell yeah brother, that’s all that matter… is the trying! That’s how folks get the experience . I had a lot of fails in my younger years, it’s all part of learning how not to do things! lol Which also gives you the reverse of that coin, how to do things!


I like to ask myself is it socially exceptable to Rip Hashish early in the morning?Especially if its some nice hand Rubbed Hash of some purposely set aside Frankie Buds i did and broke up for a dry sift.The answer is definitely yes depending on the dosage im learning lol everything is not a poison and everything is a poison its the dose that makes the poison -Paracelsus - Effect is a tad bit different than usual this one hits you with a double whammy.You get two peaks on this ski resort like usual but its much harder and hits you with a wrap around sunglass eye effect that wraps your eyballs in a warm hug.The Taste is Frankie concentrated with a golden Hash spice with a fuely pine.Very good pain concetrate it shut up my screaming shoulder and wrists for a good 3 hours.Frankie makes outstanding Hand rub dry sift the easy way.I dont do a hot wine bottle fancy shit like frenchy did i just warm it up in my hand and start pressin,warming,Folding and more folding into itself like im folding steel then when she gets to the point i got her so warmed up i can smear her in my palm i roll the ball and roll the shit out of her.Her resin is very easy to work with.Frankie has good oil

retention on resin heads,Hashish comes out almost like the old dark Morocon it has a very Oldschool taste you want to chew on damn near


Oh hell yeah! I’m outta likes brother, :heart: :heart: :heart: :+1:


Screw socially acceptable!
If you enjoy it and aren’t hurting anyone then what harm is there?
I smoke hashish any time of the day and I doubt that will ever change.


As it should be! lol If it feels good, do it to it! Like @Oldjoints said, it ain’t hurting anyone…


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Oh and good morning everyone!


Just looked, nice work @Oldjoints