Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

I had it over a decade ago when I first flew to California. My friend picked up a 8th from a dispensary and it lite me up after a long flight. We went down to Venice beach and smoked a joint as we walked down the boardwalk.

Lingering lemon on the pallet and combined with that uplifting cerebral buzz. Lights were brighter after. I haven’t had it since that one 8th but it was very memorable.

You’ll really enjoy those if you haven’t tried some already. :sunglasses:


What a fine day it is!
Good morning my friends!

And here’s hoping for an especially good day for @crownpoodle’s Granddaughter Nora Rose who just turned 13 today!

The funny thing is, my only Granddaughter, Chloe also turned 13 today!

So Happy Birthday to Nora and Chloe!!!


Man! What a great morning. I’m sitting out on the patio. Its about 65 degrees Wake and bake with a mix of LPC and ISS this morning. I’m pretty blasted right now. Life is good so far today.


Good morning my friend @BigMike55 !

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What’s up, Broski?

Just chillin. Chores are all but done and I don’t have a buzz going, yet.

Good morning everyone! I can’t keep up with you all :joy:. Have a great day :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Well yer burnin’ daylight feller!

I was looking at my plants a few minutes ago. I heard a noise behind me. I turned around and there was a giant red squirrel on the fence, right there. I coulda grabbed him by the tail.
It was like he was checking out what I was doing. Maybe I’m too high. At least he didn’t say anything. Lol.


He was just looking for nuts and found one.


Mornin y’all.
The fam and I are takin a little staycation this weekend up in the mountains. Pics coming later.
Have a great day! :slightly_smiling_face:


I have a staycation every day bro.


I was waiting for him to say, “Nice Bud, Bud” but I guess he’s a little shy.
I have never gotten that close to a live squirrel before. I used to hunt them a lot. Squirrel and Dumplins is pretty good eating. Plus, what’s left over the dogs really enjoy.


Must be nice! :yum:

And by “up in the mountains”, I mean up another 6k feet. Topping 10,000. :crazy_face:


I had one climb down the tree I was sitting against one time. It came within a few inches of my shoulder and hopped off to the ground right beside me. I was hunting turkey that day so he was safe. lol
He scratched around in the leaves for a while then meandered off to do whatever squirrels spend time doing.
It was a very cool thing to add to my list of things I’ve seen.


I’ll have to be satisfied with my hills. LOL

Seems like we’re talking about different meat we like. Moose burgers, bear barley soup venison of course, goat who am I kidding I like it all :joy:


Me too. I’ll eat everything!

@MoBilly, the colors are changing hardcore up here. Its beautiful.
Quick snapshot out of our cottage window.
The suns just peaking onto the fiery looking hillside.


Okay, you win. Consider me green :green_heart: from envy!
That looks like a slice of Heaven right there!

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In my part of Oklahoma we don’t get much bright reds like that. Mostly yellows to brown. We would go on our motorcycle to the Southeast part of Oklahoma. The Talihina Drive. In late October its very pretty. The drive goes the entire way on the ridge of the mountains. Lots of twisty and hilly roads.


What up kids? Been sick with something all week and I’d ready to be done with it. Hope all is good in OG land.