Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Aye Slickeroo. Long time we no hear. I thought one of the hurricanes washed you out to sea. Lol. Get well Broski.


Thanks brosef. If anything gets me it’ll be the acorns dropping from the trees all day long cause of the wind. It’s like little gunshots out there.


Hehe. Never been hit with acorns. I was hit by marble sized hail while riding my motorcycle out in the Oklahoma panhandle one time. Out there, there’s not even a fncking tree to get under. Wheat fields and grass prairie as far as you can see. That, my friend, sucks! Glad I was wearing a helmet.


You haven’t lived till you sit under a oak in a hi wind the tree by my house had acorns the size of 50 Cent pieces when they fell, they hurt when you heard them hit the deck it made a little loud sound


Indeed. I lived in Arkansas for several years. I just never have been pelted with acorns before.

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Better than coconuts.


Damn right ouch :sweat:

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Unless you are sitting under this tree!
Well… still maybe a little worse but not much. lol


STILL better than coconuts…but those are huge!

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@Emeraldgreen same for me, cuz. lol If it ain’t got meats (LOTS) it ain’t a meal!
@blowdout2269 damn, I love that view, but can’t walk it anymore!
@Slick1 sorry to hear you been sick, cuz. Glad you good nuff to join us again!
@MoBilly Damn brother! That has to be a photoshopped acorn!


@JohnnyPotseed ,

The hands-down champion for acorn size is Quercus insignis, a rare white oak species that produces the largest acorns of any oak species according to the International Oak Society. As Trees and Shrubs Online presents, this large, impressive type of oak is native to Central America and Mexico, and produces large acorns that are spherical and usually 1 to 2 inches long, and can be 4 inches or more in diameter. The fascination with this interesting tree is strong with oak tree enthusiasts.


Well, lol if that thing is real…I for one am glad no trees of that strain are around me! I might have a hard head, but that would hurt!

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Could you imagine how a squirrel would react if he found a tree chock full of those acorns! Squirrel Heaven comes to mind.

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Yeah it’s crazy how something so random could do so much damage!

They’re hitting my roof and trucks hard as hell. Last night with the wind they were hitting the doors and I was really hoping they wouldn’t take a window out.

Yeah I’m bummed too :laughing: Thanks, good to be back!


Good to have you back @Slick1 . @BigMike55 has been getting away with too many comments that needed a response from you. Someone needs to keep him in check.

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Was he running amok in my absence? Should have expected that :laughing:

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Johnny does his best. LOL But nobody does it better than you.

er… I mightawent a bit overboard, now n then… but only a bit! :lying_face: :thinking: :scream: :rofl:

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My reputation precedes me.

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As well as trails ya @BigMike55’s reputation leaves a trail like a snail, behind him!