Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

And stays around long after you leave!

Come on, guys. I don’t smell THAT bad.

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Dang it Johnny! You snapped that response before I could!!!

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It ain’t so much the smell, as it is the damn slime! that shit just don’t wash off!


Dang, Boii. Tell us how you REALLY feel. Lol


I don’t know Johnny. When the wind is out of the south I can pick up a strong odor that can only be one thing… and everyone knows… “Mike passed gas again!”


You ever been around someone that farted so nasty that you can actually TASTE it!?
I’m not saying it was Mike’s but he is a person of interest.

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Okay. I’m done.
I’m going to see if I can actually get something constructive done today.
Catch you nuts later.

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lol I’ll never forget one time in jail (talk about a captive audience!) Some old wino was brought in and they had no room anywhere, so stuck him in the12 man cell i was in. He laid up on the top bunk, passed out. Cut one of the longest, greasiest, nastiest sounding farts I ever heard! We could see this big black oily cloud rolling over the edge of his bed and slowly tumbling to the floor. No one smelled a damn thing until someone got up and walked past the bunk, stepping into the exact spot it looked like landing… the smell had us all running for the cell bars closest to the windows!


Almost forgot, lol when we went out to the barn this morning. That dang SHE BEAST is already trying to shrug off what I did to her yesterday! I took pliers, pinched the stalks until crushed, then bent em over. She’s already turning em back up!

But the center is giving up a lot of new, green growth, too.

The new Frankie mother is also showing a lot of new growth.

When we flip this gal, she’s still gonna have her famous ‘growth spurt’! :scream:

For those of yas, getting cuttings of the Original Frankenstein, this is her, lol just so yas can have something to look forward to! That’s the first two pics I’m talking about, the last pic is a clone of her I took to make a new mother.

The SHE BEAST was up-potted into 12" pot on 7/19 and into the 5gal on 9/8. Started as a cutting on 6/27.
Right now she’s just shy of 3 months old… the BBP wasn’t used on her until a couple weeks ago. She’s had 3 treatments. The last one being yesterday.
So, the majority of the growth is natural.


Hey @CanuckistanPete I just had a brain-fart, cuz! lol If we let thisun grow long enuff, she should reach you in the spring next year. Then you can take cuttings without worry of Customs! :scream: :crazy_face: :rofl: :+1:


I’ll be watching for it Johnny!


Just a note here, the pics you see of the SHE BEAST now, and just think, lol it was only 3 weeks ago we up-potted her! Post #635 this thread.

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Thnx for the interest, folks!


Thats awesome! Happy Birthday Chloe!

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Happy Birthday Chloe!

Also Happy Birthday Nora Rose!

Sorry, I missed that one lol


Happy B’ day to your grandkids @crownpoodle and @MoBilly how neat is that, both 13 today

I scooped up a 48” backboard basketball set for mine this morning whilst at Walmart, we had a 44” but about 3 weeks ago the backboard started breaking. Made out of 1/8” plexiglass, the afternoon sun down here in the south takes its toll. Lasted 2 summers. The replacement board for it was just as much as a whole set, more expensive actually so no we have one that’s broke dick, AND a good one. Dump run soon.

Good to see ya back @Slick1


Appreciate the thoughts @buck90 . Nora’s was during the week. Played hooky with mom. A tradition. She wanted a pink themed party. I did my best in limited time. Pics later. Put yer shades on.


Thanks @buck90 . :slight_smile:
Chloe and her mom are out on the East Coast so I didn’t get to celebrate with her but I know she had a blast. lol


Oh and BTW @JohnnyPotseed and @crownpoodle ,
My wife took pictures of your posts and messaged them to our Granddaughter.