Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

Good night buddy.
Following your example!!


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed and company!

40 years! Congratulations Johnny and Rose, that is just awesomeness


Good Morning OG!


Good morning @buck90 @JohnnyPotseed & OG!


‘THAT DAY’ is in more ways than one! lol It’s our wedding anniversary today, also Rose’s Birthday! This woman has put up with me for 41 yrs in January, and 40 years of being married, today! She’s been the light of my life, and the anchor that kept me sane/grounded! My best friend, my partner, my lover, my wife… the mother of our 3 great sons, and the best thing to happen to me since PB&J sandwiches!! (and, I DO love me some good PB&J sandwiches! lol)
The honeymoon continues!
To get married on her B-day was at her request… :heart_eyes: :+1:


good morning JP and the OG fam!!!

I wish you all the best for your 40th anniversary! And Rose, of course, all the best for your birthday! I hope you enjoy the day!!!


She made sure you gave her a gift that keeps on giving, and giving, and giving!!!
Congratulations my friends! Please give Rose a hillbilly hug from me brother.
I take it you will have plans for a family day? Sons coming over and such?

OH! and good morning to every night owl out there in OG land!


2 of our 3 sons are on the coast, so they won’t make it. The oldest is working, but they’ll all call, at the least. As for little momma, she relaxes on this day and I just do whatever she wants to do, (per usual! lol) She said I’m taking her out on the town today, and I said ‘yes dear’!


Well, you know what they say… “Happy wife, longer life”. :slight_smile:


I know it’s “Happy wife, happy life” but this is Rose we’re talking about after all!


I FEAR NO MAN! But… this woman scares the heck outta me!! :scream: :rofl: :+1:


Happy Anniversary! Happy Birthday to Rose! Hope you have a great day today!


I know the time differences a couple hours earlier than me. Why do you get up this early? There is nothing good in the morning at this time but get up.

Where I come from they say, what’s up

I ain’t up because I wanna be! lol


The roosters aren’t even up yet I know they’re not cause the sun ain’t even creeped tear at all

Take her out for a romantic dinner, she would love that!
Try this place:


I’m just playing around I’m the same way. I started about 4 o’clock in the morning is when I wake up I have no idea what it is. I think it’s the old country boy in me… we talked about those roosters before I can remember as a kid I could hear five forms down the road I could hear the chickens well, especially the roosters crow as the sun got closer to my house. I could hear two farmers down the road I knew it was time to get up. I don’t use an alarm clock.

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Fried chicken, potato salad, slaw, speckled butter, beans, squash casserole. Do you have any of those restaurants like that out there? We don’t have them here either anymore. lol
I gotta get going wherever you take her. I’m sure she’ll be happy. I’m sure she’s happy just being with you Johnny.
That’s the way it is with me and my wife fight like hell. She’s on the road a lot misses me every night. Lol


She want’s a steak dinner. That’s what she’ll get, lol


When I lived in Denver Colorado, they had this humongous Italian restaurant. It was like a little town inside a big building. It probably held several thousand people. It was $100 a pop. This was 20 years ago.