Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

Congrats on your 40 years of marriage!
Wishing you two an amazing day together.


Good morning OG’s and Happy Birthday to Rose :rose: and Happy anniversary to JP and Rose!!! 40 years ain’t nothin to sneeze at. Congratulations :champagne::tada:


Thank all of you, my extended family of OG! Rose says thank you also, for the Birthday well wishes, along with the wedding anniversary congrats.


Happy Birthday to Rose and Happy Anniversary to the both of ya! Have a good one, all yawl!

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Congratulations, Brother. I hope this forum doesn’t drag you away from your special day together too much. LOL

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Naw, we sit less than 3’ apart most of the time, so we’re ‘together’ even when I’m online and she has her nose in a book! lol


Happy 40th anniversary nowadays that really is something special glad you 2 found each other. Happy bday Rose!
Is that how thunder rose got its name?


Honestly, I don’t remember… we were sitting here discussing new name for that cross she orchestrated, and that was the end result.
I believe I mentioned ‘Thunder Road’ and she said nope, Thunder Rose’ sounded good so we went with it!


Well that happens lol. So glad you found your match not many people get that lucky. Your are truly blessed.

That story is good go with that :rofl::rofl:.

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Well, with her doing all the work on thatun, it was only fitting she named it. I do mean ALL the work. I was completely invalided at that time.
All I did was give her timing cues, and method of pollination to use…


The Thunder Rose is showing a lot of Frankenstein influence.
Rose grew out a cross of Frankenstein x King Tut (Frankenstein’s Bride)
While that was still vegging, she crossed Cindy-99 with Strawberry Alien Moonrocks.
Let some seed grow out, taking a male for pollen Then hitting the Frankie’s Bride with it.
These are the resulting beans of the final cross. it took just over a year.
TR shows a lot of Ms Frankie mainly because Frankenstein was the main mother in this.
To get Frankenstein’s Bride, we used a clone of Frankie and hit that with pollen from King Tut. The she crossed theCindy-99 with pollen from SAM, we harvested the beans in the house where I was chair-bound, using some of those beans to grow out and picked a male, collected the pollen and hit the FB with that. So Ms Frankie is very strong in TR.


Awesome! Those Frankenstein genetics really seem to be strong! No matter what you cross with still leans Frankie!

Yep, very much so, lol Any cross I’ve seen with Ms Frankie as the main plant, you don’t see a lot of influence from any other strain.


I’ve got a baby Frankenstein born on Rose’s birthday :partying_face: planted two Sunday this is first one to break ground


Yea ! Not anything good my way but beans dropping. I’m definitely gonna take a break for a little bit. I’m just want y’all to know that I love you.


I usually give my plants ladies names and this one will be Rosie. And in the words of AC/DC I hope I get “a whole lot a Rosie” :green_heart::joy::v:

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outta likes for awhile, lol (again!) so here yas go @Hemp & @GallacreekD66 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


Happy 40th anniversary to you and Rose. :+1: :v: :partying_face:


Ok folks, I’m gonna close out for the evening… partied hard today! lol Cyas all tomorrow.

Good Night OG!


Good night buddy. Sure you had a great time today!
See you for :coffee: