Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

Just call us the crooked tree gang. I don’t think I could handle a fight. I do a little bit of training but not like heavyweights and stuff. I have a total gym and a pull up bar. No I can’t do pull-ups but it does help. I wish I’d never played football. Or any thing like that at all… car wrecks have been my worst problems.


Well I’m out. When they got finished I asked “So what’s up”? She said she’d be able to let me know something right away.
She said “It’s a neuropathy of some kind but I don’t think it’s related to the injury to your back”.
No way! Really? I’m not feeling much of my feet and half of my legs and all she could say was that I have some form of neuropathy. No shit! A little more would have been nice.
That means more tests. Yay.
It’s a little comforting, though , to hear that this person doesn’t think that my spine is the problem but that opens up a plethora of other possibilities.
Again… Yay.


I say wait n see what the doctor says, my friend,. That doesn’t sound right.


It sucks when you can’t get good answers to your questions.:pensive:


She sounds like a technician, so highly doubt she could tell you anything. What she did say is suspect to me
Hope it gets sorted out quickly for you

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Yeah. I’m not going on what this person thinks. I lost the feeling in my feet the second my back went out. That can’t be a coincidence. No way, no how.


What kind of technician would even venture a guess though! That’s bold as brass!


Who did you ask?

I doubt what she told you, also brother.

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I just looked. She wasn’t a tech. She is a DR.


It still doesn’t matter. I’m not thinking she knows her craft very well.


On the road again. Catch you later.

That’s messed up @MoBilly. The connection between my back and my feet is so obvious. The surgeon showed me on my MRI exactly why my feet have little or no feeling. What I do feel is less than pleasant.
Hope you get some answers in a timely manner.


Stopped at Sam’s club so I can sit outside in the car. At least it’s an absolutely beautiful day.
I’m sure it’ll play out well @crownpoodle . Thanks everyone for your friendship.


I hope you get squared away with your back, it sure sounds like it’s affecting your feet too. My wife has back problems and affects her legs neck just about everything. Feel better my friend.:peace_symbol:


Good evening y’all!

Went to the next town over for dinner and of all things it was their annual parade, we timed it just right though as most folks were watching whilst we were eating. In and out :muscle:

The wife has been on steroids and pain meds since early November for back pain, MRI scheduled right before Xmas which makes me think it won’t get read real quick that week. Frustrating to have to wait so long and I hate seeing her hurting.


I’ve got calls the same day on ann MRI. The report takes a day or so to show up. I had better luck with Toradol than steroids.

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So far I’ve liked every strain I’ve grown that started with @JAWS. All have been stronger than average. Good yields and flavor.


I’m going to close it out for the evening here, good citizens of the OGniverse.

Good Night OG!


Good night buddy