Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @Greenfingers ! Hope everyone had a great Xmas and are ready to start a new year. Have a great day!


lolThe damn festivities like to kilt me… my ass is dragging this morning! Started to come on just before 4, but naw… and then laid back down! :thinking: :crazy_face: :heart:


Good morning JP and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

The coffee is hitting the spot, Hope every had a great day yesterday!


I’m gonna invent a way to channel some energy from our grand-daughter and infuse us old farts with it! lol Make a million in no time!


Good Morning OG!


I’ve got a couple of those models @JohnnyPotseed


The 3 grandsons are even worse, lol if they’d been out here for the holidays… I’d be damn near dead now!

lol don’t get me wrong. I love all 4 of our grandkids! But their energy levels are something I can’t even keep up to!
The boys all had to show us their gifts (facetime) and were all over the place on the call! lol The grand-daughter had to have me play with her and each toy, lol We were over to the oldest son’s house. Fun, fun, fun…truly… but was I ever glad to get back home and relax/rest with a couple of doobies of Frankenstein!!


Good morning folks. Hope everyone had a spectacular day yesterday. I did.


It sounds like you had an awesome day with the family and your grandkids Johnny, I don’t have any yet but I’m sure it won’t be too long before that happens.:peace_symbol:


There is not much in this world that can make me happier than time with the kids!
BUT… :scream: :heart_eyes: :rofl: they can definitely run ya ragged! lol It’s great, and I just wish I could keep up with them to have even more fun than we did.

I’m sure you’ll get what I’m talking about when you have em coming along, lol the older they get, the more fun they are.


ok, i’m late getting out to the barn this morning, lol Burning daylight here! I’ll be back in a bit, gotta tend the girls in the ‘farm-inna-barn’
Crap! BR_R_R it’s in the low 30s outside!


I might as well post this here too. I might find more advice on a thread that someone actually keeps going.
I am at a loss y’all. And here’s why.

I kept two of the AR, one VB and two WR. All but one (a WR) are doing alright but not great. They took a bad turn last week. I have it isolated the one WR from the others but I don’t think I acted quickly enough. They are not reaching out to the light the way they should be.

Here’s the problem one and a shot of the problem area that I can’t figure out.

I’ve used Safer twice in one week and Arbor once this week and diluted Peroxide once. Right now I don’t know what to do with them.

This is what I’m looking at with the other ones.

They are definitely not happy now but two weeks ago I was very pleased with how they were doing.

That little VB is the slowest growing plant I’ve ever grown out but it looks like it’s doing better than the others. If you look closely at the white bucket you can see it barely.

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I wish I could help you out here, but that’s not anything I’ve ever seen on plants. Makes me think possible environmental issue of some kind. Honestly in a quandary here!
The plant itself doesn’t look to be in poor health… maybe scrape the growth off, treat with some hydrogen peroxide and/or iso. I hesitate to offer much advice as to treating that, as no idea what the heck that is, brother. But I will say this, as long as the plant isn’t suffering, the best course might lie in LITFA?
Been growing that same WR for around 25yrs now, never had or saw anything like that growth. The growth seems to be coming up from the bottom, so the soil mix, nutrients, amendments,water, all become suspect.

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Yes, but I used a fresh bag of soil. They’re all in SIP’s and the water is still clean looking with no odor.
I’m thinking about using my wet VAC and replace the water with fresh pH’ed and nutrients.
That WR was absolutely killing it until last week!


OH and I keep a good air flow in the room too.


Are you still using the goat poop? Have you moved them to a new pasture/area to graze? There are just so many things or combinations of things that could be culpable. Humidity, temps, composition of soil mix with nutes, watering methods, amendments, etc
Hopefully someone might have seen this and know what it is, or how to treat?


Good morning everyone! A day of rest to recover from the festivities :joy:
@MoBilly it reminds me of when my room is to cold and to much water


Google ‘white growth on lower stems’ and it says that’s where roots would be growing, or trying to grow. If there is room, put more soil in to cover them.

@MoBilly It DOES look rather like little root nubs trying to come, at least some of it does…


Actually I have been using the Jacks that @Oldjoints gave me for about 7 weeks. They’ve been loving it.
I’m keeping the ppm around 600 in the reservoir. Like I said though, they had been thriving with it.

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The plant itself overall, looks healthy. like I said, and thinking about what I read with google search, it makes sense. Sometimes there will be little ‘root knobs’ trying to start, that I have seen, the 'running white marks are totally new to me though.

I said ‘never seen’ but hell, I’ve forgotten a ton of stuff seen over the years, especially back in the outdoor growing days. lol

I’d say either re-pot lower so they’re covered up, or LITFA as long as the plant is healthy.