Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

Local dispensary had an anniversary party today lots of deals live music free food good time. They were giving out tshirts I thought were pretty cool


What’s the best tasting catfish? Channel, Blue, or Flathead? We have all three here but I’ve never caught a blue

Good evening y’all! Going to be rainy here tomorrow. May he a good time to pick out and get some seeds started

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All three are hunter/predators, so damn good eating. For some reason , lol the scavengers (most other catfish) taste ‘muddy’. for lack of a better word.

Although the Blue seem to be ‘fattier’ than Channel or Flathead.
To my notion, the Channel is the best tasting. I’m pretty sure the Channel is what most Catfish Farms raise…

lol And even though… I’ve caught more Blues over the years than Channels or Flathead combined! All-nighters were the fun part to me…


I have had Blue cat before. Its dam good. But it was from a huge fish. The smaller ones, say, up to five pounds, have the best meet. I have had Channel cat 10000 times. I prefer it because that’s normally what I get.
As for catfish in general I have heard people say catfish are cleaners, and eat shit, real shit, from the bottom. Not so. NO fish eats shit. NONE. The do eat the ‘leftovers’ from other fish. And if its a little rotten, its ok.
But the absolutely do NOT eat turds. A myth has been busted.


Unless its like a shit eating dog. But they aint SUPPOSED to eat shit.

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Not so much anymore, but commercial fishing sustained our town for decades. Not anymore. Aquaculture was a big thing, feeding everyone frozen fed Tilapia grown in tanks using prison labor. Half the trucks in town had a bumper sticker. REAL FISH DON’T EAT PELLETS.


Well almost. Hag fish/Slime Eels. Read no further if you’re eating.
They find carcasses. Bigger the better. The don’t have good teeth for chewing. Thel nasty things will crawl up a dead whales ass by the thousands. Years ago they made boots with the skins. Now they ship them live to Korea.

Purge them in salt water. My grandmother would soak them in milk, bread them and cook them. Awesome

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Shutting down for the night here folks, I’ll cyas all tomorrow!

Good Night OG!


Thanks again for your hospitality @JohnnyPotseed . Have a good evening.


Good Morning OG!


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed & OG!


Good morning everyone :coffee: Intake beginning


Good morning OG friends and neighbors. I hear it’s going to be a stellar day @CanuckistanPete. I plan on having one.


Good morning folks!


Ok good citizens of the OGniverse, the new year is almost upon us! First, I’d like to say
In the new year, may the best of your yesterdays, be the worst of your tomorrows!

Things and situations change/evolve with time. I’m no different in that respect, even at
my age, lol (75 on Jan 21) For those of you that haven’t seen the line up of things
to come in 2024… I’ve gotta lotta goodies in store for folks, as well as a few changes.

On to other news… I’ll be changing how I do cuttings starting in January. No more ‘cuttings’ I’ve been getting hold of Gen 1 clones of Gen 0 mothers, grown from Tissue Culture!
If you’re tired of the endless pheno-hunt involved with dropping beans, trying to find
The One’ that is closest to the original strain that you fell in love with, or
heard so much about, ‘The One’ that made that strain famous! Well then Gen 1 clones is definitely the way to go, lol Instead of seeds. This will benefit folks with space or plant-count limits.
I’ll be shipping rooted/hardened-off clones of Gen 1 plants! Along with other clones of
newer strains/crosses, these strains I’ve gathered recently.
I will still have a selection of seeds available also, from the new additions as well.

To give you an idea of things to come in 2024, here’s a peek.
With the exception of Frankenstein, Vortex and White Rhino, the list is not available, yet! but will be as soon as they’re of an age/size that clones can be taken… also with seeds, later in 2024.

Available in cuttings;
Original Frankenstein-of course! (Gen 7) (grown clone only since around 2001)
'98 White Rhino (Gen 7) (grown clone only since around 2001)
The 2024 line up of strains and seeds/clones of those newly added strains is;
SkyWalker (Gen 1)
Mai Thai Zkittlez (Gen 1)
Sunset Fritters (Gen 1)
Vortex (clones - available)
Runtz (clones)
Grape Pupil (clones)
Unicorn Poop (f2 seeds
GodFather OG (purchased seeds)
Chiquita banana (purchased seeds)
Grease monkey (purchased seeds)
Grand Prix (seeds)
Air Force 1 (purchased seeds)
Cafe Racer (purchased seeds)
Gorilla Glue #4 (purchased seeds)
ZaZa (Gen1)
Gelato (Gen1)
Rainbow Sherbet (Gen1)
Girl Scout Cookies (Gen1)
Northern Lights (Gen1)
Fruity Pebbles (Gen1)
Sour Diesel (Gen1)
Blue Dream (Gen1)
Jenny Kush (clone)
Grand Daddy Purp (Gen 1)
Alien OG.(Gen 1)

DM for strains available, and pricing info please.

There will be new additions added to this list as we gather them.
I hope this list whets your appetite, as much as it has mine!


Good morning JP and OGs! :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Good Morning OG!! In 2024 what will your cutting prices and shipping prices be?


good morning @ all ! have a great day! :smiley:


Around Nov1 a momma cow died after giving birth. The Bull has cared for this calf every day since. They are left in the back field, all the others have moved ,but the Bull won’t leave his little buddy. Anytime I get near the calf runs right under the Bull and hangs out. I try not to bother them as I don’t want them to get separated due to Coyotes.