Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

lol those weren’t all done in one day, lemme tell yas! Rose helped me out to the barn on 6 different days and together we moved/isolated 2-3 each day, hit em with the magic dust, then the next day rinsed and repeat. lol there are two snugged up to the Chunky Junky in their own ‘space’ the Sour D and Grease monkey, both getting splurged all over by the CJ that’s just busting with pollen. lol

edit… lol at this rate, I’m gonna run outta pollen in no time!
But ‘use it or lose it’ is my motto! There’s plants been going into flower mode for awhile (10 every other week) and they need to get hit by this magic dust!


Very nice sounding. There are a few that stand out to me big time. The excitment will just be hanging there, waiting.

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I’m gonna say anything that has Chunky Junky in it will be well worth growing. My CJ is about six and a half weeks and stinky as all hell and super sticky already. Frost is building like no ones business. I truly think that my CJ flowers will be something special. I’m biased but this is something different here.


I’m in agreement with ya there, brother lol I have two plants up against it, and also collecting the dust for another cross or two later.

I DO thank you for gifting that boy to me!
@BigMike55 lol it’s just too bad you got them last beans mixed up! I’d kept some of those CJ for my private vault
But, lol dropping or knocking over plates of beans is something I think we’ve ALL done!

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I’ve already named the one CHUNKY MONKEY… I’m leaning towards SOUR CHUNKS for the other (Sour Diesel x Chunky Junky)

Did I not give you Chunky Junky seeds? I thought everyone got some. I can send you a pack, if you want them.

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Naw brother, I’m trying to cut back lol withdrawals might set in, but I gots to!


I have a couple hundred CJ beans. You know where they’re at, when you want them. Don’t be shy.
Yesterday I set nine Chunky Junky to pop. I will check them in the morning. from what I’m seeing in my tent, I want to work with CJ for a while, I think. Maybe even make some female seeds at some point. Think that would be popular???


Just got back from out of town for last few weeks. Is this a male? If so that’s a bummer is a Franky fem seed and I have 2 of them doing same thing. You’ll have to excuse my lack of experience. Just want to know if I need to chop them down


Dang! That plant has testicular fortitude.


I was going to do some breeding but not in the hydro. This plant is huge. I guess it’s time to start over. Bummer. Thanks for clarifying @BigMike55!

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That’s as male as it gets there, brother. Not sure what’s going on, you’re the very first to have something like this. Frankie doesn’t have any boy beans, only fem. Two doing the same thing makes me wonder if you (or possibly even me) mix up the beans somehow?

Are there any other plants going male on you? Conditions changed to cause stress?
Scratch that last, lol that ain’t stress, that’s just plain male! I looked closer at the pics

I was gonna say. If you were looking for pollen. There’s your huckleberry. Surprised tho, that you did not catch that a lot sooner. Those BB’s have been hanging around a while.
Good that you caught it before they started opening up. Or you girls would suck.

Well not really SUCK suck. The buds would just be loaded with seeds.


No they have a dark room. Temps range from 68-78 using jacks 321.

I’ve been gone almost a month and can feed them from my phone. So I really didn’t have a chance.

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Then those are not Frankie, brother. Somewhere along the line beans got mixed. either by you or myself.
No one has ever had this happen, I keep the beans in separate baggies and only work from the one baggie at a time.

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Ok that’s fine but I haven’t even opened any regular seeds yet. No worries just starting over. Could be worse.

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How many of the ‘Frankie’ beans do you have left?

I have 7 left in the pack I took them out of. And have 4 more packs I haven’t touched yet.

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Just toss the beans in that pack, and I’ll send ya another pack of em.