Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

The she beast knows no timeline… :wink:

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Oh it’s already started, I just ain’t took any pics yet. Not gonna go back out to the barn. Like to dang near killed me going out there twice this morning and taking care of business!


Good afternoon brothers of the green! :green_heart:


I have a question for you @JohnnyPotseed
I was talking about bringing some plants up there.
These are 2 foot tall from dirt.
So do you want plants already in flower or still in veg.
Reason I ask, I put them in flower a few days ago to find out sex. The plan was to put them back into veg lighting. Now I’m thinking to just leave them in flower lights. And flower them out. I’m gonna do this run mostly for seeds anyways. But if you don’t want plants already in flower, I will put them back into veg mode until I’m ready to come north. Kinda your call. They are still sexless but should know in a few days, even if I put them back into veg. Whatcha think?

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All I’d do is a seed run with em too, brother. So all good. Except… if you only get one male, I know you’ll need to keep it for your seed run, lol so I honestly don’t want em just for the sake of running em. I’d need one of each, ya know.

edit… @BigMike55 I’m assuming you won’t be bringing em up this way until after they show sex?

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I’m just leaving them alone then.
They are getting big quick tho. I need to find mine and thin out the flock. Surely I get more than one boy out of eight plants. Technically they could all be girls, but statistically, four and four. If it comes out only one, I will use him for my needs and collect the leftover pollen. I know a guy that uses that stuff you know.


Correct. That way I know which I want to keep. I want one for sinsemilla and a boy and a girl or two to make beans with so I can maybe F3 them.


Did you ever watch part two of Rebel Moon? I caught the first part. It was a cliffhanger.
Did you watch the directors cut??


Part is good. They’re working on part three! lol
Pretty sure it was director’s cut
It had Zack Snyder (the director) talking about things at the end


If it had a lot of blood and full sex scenes, it was the director’s cut. Have not watch the pg-13 version but it is supposedly pretty tame, by comparison.


Lotta blood but no full on sex scenes

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This Gelato from Johnny is just a beast of a plant!
I’ll try to get some bud pics after she’s dried. She’s been fairly resistant to my aphid issue but the tent still isn’t looking that great right now. :joy: Here’s a few pics from earlier in the grow. I started chopping and washing her last night. Still have to take the very top tonight. Great plant, @JohnnyPotseed! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


Hell yeah! awesome looking there, my friend! Thnx for sharing!


Closing it down early tonight, folks. Cyas tomorrow.

Good Night OG!


Gelato top fresh outta the bath. She was quite the chunk! :grin:


Good morning Johnny. Good morning OG’s. Monday flew past me, I hope the rest of the week goes as fast. Have a good day.:peace_symbol:
Nice @NDNCHILD I haven’t grown that one yet, they look great.:+1:t2:


Good morning JP and OG :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Looking like the party is at @NDNCHILD 's crib, folks! lol Hell yeah brother, looking downright delicious!


Good morning JP and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone’s coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!

@NDNCHILD Woah, Very nice! Looks incredibly dense too!


Gelato rocks Greenfingers! That was the first strain I had success growing. It kinda reminded me of sweet cream. Loved it.