Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

Good evening JP and OGs!! What’s the skuttle butt today?


lol Wouldn’t know my friend, I’m still trimming away here.


Yeah I have one tonight to trim also, not like you lol.

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I won’t complain about my 8 little plants to trim anymore lol you have been trimming longer than I was at work today.

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It’s not s bad as you think here, I had to stop to eat, and also had to lay down 1.5 hrs due to pain. Eased off and back at it. Gonna do 7 today and stop, finish the other 6 tomorrow.
Plus we HAVE been getting high AF the whole day! lol
Staring #7 now
Started around 8AM


I just really don’t like trimming. Its ok for the first couple buds, then it sucks. Then I get careless and don’t give a hoot about them so some get trimmed good, others not so much.
I can take a six pound plant and turn it into an one ounce bag of shake. Does that count??


GFOG, from you, JP. Just about ready at 10 weeks in flower. The outside gfog (on right) is an absolute beast. She’s 8 ft tall and 7 ft wide. On the left of her is a gelato, also from you. She’s an excellent performer as well.
Been a long time since I posted here. I’ve simply been in deep waters with many things (not bad, just way too f’n busy). Greetings to all you fine folks —sending good vibes and well wishes.
I’ve got a lot of strains going from JP. Will turn n post some pics soon. A lot of straight :fire:, as y’all know!


I actually don’t mind trimming to bad, now that I staggered them just sit down and watch a movie and trim, normally can get a plant done in one evening.

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Now that there is some seriously sweet looking plants, my friend! I know ya gonna enjoy the heck outta them gals! lol


I used to be a ‘trimming machine’ lol but no mo. I could knock out a dozen or more a day, no sweat… now if I get half that I’m lucky.
Edward Scissor-Hands had nuttin on me! :scream: :rofl:


I agree completely I am putting off chopping right now because I don’t want to do it.

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Lol the most I done In one day was 3 cause that’s all I had lol.

Rose and Oldest son would do a pre-trim and feed the plants to me for full trimming. I’d sit at the table in curing room and go to it! lol
Most plants, they might get half way or less before I was taking em from them.


Its especially tedious when you do the entire thing, seed to smoke, with zero help.
Very few people around me know I smoke, let alone grow. I suspect next door neighbors know, although they have never said anything.


Facts JP got a crew and a system, I’m sitting in my little home office alone cutting and cussing, cussing and cutting lmao


So which is easier wet trimming or dry trimming

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Now it’s just Rose n me. But we been doing this for 20+ yrs. She doesn’t pre-trim anymore for me
That ‘team’ was when we were commercial. lol


Both have their good points and bad. Wet trimming is faster/better in the long run, dry trimming takes longer, but is easier/less messy.
The plants take longer by days, to dry when you don’t trim em fresh, wet trimmed dry in half the time for curing jars.


I do not like wet trimming, It’s just messy and you have to clean your scizzors all the time
Do not like wet trimming.


lol I think that’s implied here. But, it IS better in the long run especially for sale. The buds are a lot prettier.