Join the OverGrow PODcast here

sure, that’s the idea, but as i said and have to repeat it again, lawyers don’t care and a libel lawsuit can bankrupt someone trying to defend against it, even if it was a baseless lawsuit. unless said someone happens to be a lawyer or can get free legal assistance anyway.

another way it could be detrimental to someone having a post shared from here on youtuve would be having one’s lack of opsec shown to the world. i know there are feds on this platform looking at the grow logs, but suppose they missed some minute detail that gets picked up by someone on youtube who is practicing their skills and it gets brought to the attention of a fed, then the grower gets busted. that is a legitimate concern and should be enough for every user here to go sanatize their post history to ensure nothing got out that could incriminate anyone.

but sure, just assume one threat level for everyone and make sure it is so solid that nothing could change it. i prefer to keep mine fluid and adaptable to every situation since i know that everyone has a different one.

absolutely. we put it in writing on this forum, not to be on another one. first off, it’s common courtesy to ask, just like i ask to use pictures when i take them off of a post, even though it was a publically posted picture. a lot of sites have a copyright statement about how everything posted is not to be used anywhere else without permission, some are more free than others, and i don’t know what the one for this site is.

everyone should assume that if it is on the internet it is open to everyone, but that doesn’t mean we can’t at least act like we care about one another and show that common courtesy. to one another.


This forum is open to the public(lurkers) who never agree to any rules though… could they not do the same and post pics wherever and whenever? We would need to make this place private, no? I have taken many screen shots of many flowers from many grows way before i ever became a member here.


You can use my posts if you wish.
Minnesota Grow show Dynasty Genetics, ongoing grow log.


Reposting or repeating it is not libel. Libel is when you knowingly say something false about someone and damage their reputation, business, etc. By definition, anything we say or post about ourselves can not be libelous. A judge would throw a suit like that out and probably sanction the lawyer. But it would never get to that point because lawyers are expensive and this is just a fantasy that is never going to happen.


This is just not applicable in this case. First, since it’s a spoken statement it would be slander. Libel would be a written statement. In either case 4 things must be shown to being a lawsuit.

" To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the reputation of the person or entity who is the subject of the statement."

So that is not an issue as far as I am concerned. This is all mute since Heliosphear created this post for people to only be included if they say so here. This was done out of respect for the members. I am fully for respecting members choices in this regard but still, the fact remains that when you post in an open forum, you should have no expectations of any kind of privacy.


What Doug said! This actually speaks to the heart of the matter. It’s also why many here only use this site. Folks are tired of being afraid of a simple lifestyle choice that they mostly partake of in the privacy of thier own home . It’s a daunting task to choose a path that helps change the status quo on a harmless Herb. If someone is confused as to why they are here, that’s thier problem. As always OGTW !


@Heliosphear I Mattman of sound mind body and soul voluntarily give you permission to use anything I have ever posted here at OG for any of your podcasts/ YouTube videos. OGTWWL.


Understood @belleswell the new release will have the rest of the pictures posted in the Contest added. I have no intention of getting anyone in any trouble for anything, anyone who sees their picture in the new video reel and doesn’t want it there can request it be removed, no questions asked. I did mention in the beginning of the contest that I would be using the PODcast to cover the event to learn how make a PODcast, all the pictures included are on public display world wide from OverGrow. The people on OverGrow know that if they are not growing legal, don’t show your face in any picture you post.

After the re-post of the OverGrow PODcast 003 “OGTWWL” I will be posting it in the 8 years of OverGrow that all the pictures from the contest are in the video track of 002 and 003, if they don’t wanna be seen please PM me. I’m sure I said look me up and send me PM to talk about it. To know that you threw me over the edge and have been talking to me by private message this whole time and didn’t mention this sooner… irritating!

On second thought yah know what… I don’t need this kind of hassle in my life @LemonadeJoe Please delete PODcast 002 and I will replace it with an audio only and PODcast picture thru-out if you find that anything that I have done is detrimental to anyone on Overgrow.

I am leaving for the day to once again rethink everything I’ve done and will do in the future.

I was just starting to turn the corner back on to grow street with a smile and you punched me back down the alley and then hide behind “just my opinion”. :expressionless:

Peoples Vote on PODcasts
  • The pictures should remain.
  • Take the pictures out.
  • Stop the whole PODcast project.
  • In the future no PODcasts should have any pictures

0 voters


This is an international forum not just states or Canada ( blinkers off )
Lots of different laws or consequences in every country and with every individual
Common curtacy ediquette is all that is required, let the person decide as you have done : ) so all good : )

Some of us already push the boat out being on here without adding to it

( nothing of mine on podcast please )


Hope it somehow gets put on here so I can watch : )

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@DougDawson @BCC last thing i’ll say on the matter: i’ve been associated with some unscrupulous laywers who actually drummed up some money for a trip by filing a lawsuit, not only baseless but completely made up, and settled for about 10k if i recall correctly. they literally just sat there and made up some shit, then filed it the next day, and settled about two weeks later. this place is pretty chill and you are probably right that nothing will ever come of it but it can, that’s what i was saying.

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This seems like it’s really stressing you out helio :confused: make sure your putting this passion and effort into something that you like. Too many cooks spoil the soup. Do what you like, what looks good to you, what you have fun with.

I know I’ve mentioned it before in the podcast threads, I have an auditory processing disorder and podcasts/ videos aren’t fun for me which is why I read forums.

So, I understand that a more visual communication style will allow greater access to people who struggle with reading or English. Especially since so many of OGs members use English as a second language. Lots of our members are old as shit and the words keep getting smaller or our arms are getting too short to read. If you enjoy it, keep going.


:raised_hand: :raised_hand:me 2


Simple solution: arm elongation procedure.


Not that you would want to, but anything posted here to the world, can certainly be used by you. It wouldn’t be here, if I didn’t want it there.


even simpler solution: change the screen magnification to 125% or higher. recovery time is way shorter for this one.


If I’ve posted here, it’s public domain as far as I’m concerned.

I understand the feeling of “no good deed goes unpunished “. Appreciate your efforts @Heliosphear, I hope you forge on.



Yes but then you don’t have really long arms which is an advantage for reaching the top shelf.


Podcast joke:

How often do over growers change a light bulb?
Every 4 years or so.