Join the OverGrow PODcast here

@Heliosphear You absolutely have my permission to use anything I have I posted. :v:


I do see your point but OG is a niche type of forum that is obvious to everyone that happens upon it immediately. Many that have no interest in the subject would go much further than the home page.
OG is also no where near as popular as YouTube.
I do have my reasons for my actions and it has nothing to do with law or fear of it’s enforcement.
Feel free to think of my request as stupid, silly or whatever you may.


It was fun to do once.

Maybe not again though.


@Heliosphear I have no clue how to sign up via wiki but your welcome to use anything I have posted on this site!

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Good morning @Oldjoints. I realize OG is a niche forum but it’s still open to anyone. So IMO there is no presumption of Privacy. That just social media as far as I am concerned. That said, @Heliosphear has been considerate and decided to get approval from posters before using their content. I assume this is due to requests from users.

I don’t know what request you speak of so don’t feel any way about it. I assume by your comment that you asked not to be included and @Heliosphear has acknowledged your request. I am sure, if my assumption is correct, that you have your reasons. Seems like that request is being followed. Just because someone can’t expect privacy when posting on social media doesn’t mean an individuals request cannot be respected. I have no ability to judge such a request as I have no idea of an individuals reasons. :v:


Thank you to everyone that has given permission to use your posts on the OverGrow PODcast.

I have put in the request to @LemonadeJoe to delete OverGrow PODcast 003 say something nice about your neighbor. PODcast 003 will be redone, more pictures from the 8 years of OverGrow Anniversary Celebration will be added and the voice track replaced with Nice things I will say about OG’s that I know are awesome. It will also contain quotes from people who have given permission here.

To the people that were upset that I quoted them in the original say something nice about your neighbor PODcast, I apologize for quoting you without your consent.

I have uploaded a video that is a reading of my own story to test the limitations of what can be said without getting the must log in to you-tube sign instead of just playing the PODcast here in a link.

It seems that buttpig on you-tube has reported all the posts to @overgrowpodcast channel to you tube and all videos have become must be 18 to view it and log into you-tube to see it. I suppose the person is upset that their 4 videos of kettle drum workout aren’t getting the views they want and has turned Troll for what ever reason.

It’s frustrating to say the least, I’m sure there will be many more lessons to learn along the path.

@Oldjoints understood, I’m confused as to why you posted that I don’t have permission to quote you as the intent of the question is to gain permission from the people who want to participate. No one other than those who have given consent will be included in the PODcasts was my direct statement. Whatever your reason for pointing out the obvious I respect the Freedom of speech as long as the person who does so understands that they are also free to deal with the consequences of what has been said.

I don’t make the rules on OverGrow or You-tube, always know this dude abides!


I hereby grant permission to use anything I have posted. Also feel free to kid, poke fun, and make lewd comments.:laughing:


You’re free to use whatever I’ve posted too. Keep up the good work!


I am patiently awaiting the “Foreigner gets a spray tan” thread.


That one is probably not going to happen.


I don’t see where this is directly stated.
Regardless my only intention was that posts I have made on this site remain on this site alone. I was not trying to be rude and if you feel that I was then my apologies to you. I have great respect for what you do here and hope that you continue in your efforts.


You can use my post bud, this is already public so i see no harm. Keep it up!


Use this:

“Foreigner is awesome and overgrow is pretty good too!”

That’ll work.


full permission to use any of my posts @Heliosphear on your podcast! :wink::blush::+1::facepunch::joy::star_struck::partying_face::sunglasses::v:

i assume that it is to avoid legal repercussions if anything were to happen, say a person in an illegal state getting busted, or something.


I don’t see any legal repercussions. All he did was read posts from here, a forum open to the whole world. No real names other than mine, no locations and all information typed out by the users that the whole world already has access to read at their will. I know some have reached out requesting their content not be used and @Heliosphear is respecting their wishes. That is cool of him and it’s only right to respect a persons wishes in that regard. In the end, people’s reasons are their own and only those who post here that they are good with their posts being used will be included. Seems like the perfect response to any concerns folks have regardless of what they are.


@Oldjoints I love yah brother, I got no problems with yah not wanting to be out there beyond OverGrow. :sunglasses: I will always wish I had made it to your party in 2022.

@sfzombie13 It’s because I feel like I stepped over the line by talking about people and quoting them without requesting there permission.

Like many others here, we are on a mission from BOG to OverGrow the World with Love.

The newly improved OverGrow PODcast 003 will be posted sometime tomorrow.

Thank you to everyone for being understanding, have a great night. :sunglasses:

Looks at @DougDawson :v: Thank you my friend.


nor do i but neither of us are lawyers. it matters not one bit to some, especially when lawyers get involved, that all of this is freely available online. what matters if whether a good lawyer can get a jury to believe that something happened. and it doesn’t even have to go to trial to bankrupt someone trying to defend it. as mentioned by someone further up in this thread, og is a niche site that takes some looking for to find while youtube is much more mainstream and has millions more users registered and millions more visitors who aren’t. it is a very valid concern and one that everyone in the us should think of at some point when planning things.

@Heliosphear i wasn’t trying to insinuate anything, just offering a possibility. also, i thought of all the crap i put on my growlog going on youtube when i was reading through it and almost withdrew permission but decided that i put it out there and if i didn’t want anyone to see it i shouldn’t have put it in writing on the internet. i did make sure to sanitize my posts a year ago and take out anything questionable when i started my the growlog to avoid scrutiny from leos. that was what got me thinking of things to look out for and i came up with this.

i doubt i can help with the next one because it’s taking forever to move but next one probably.


If having a post shared on YouTube is a security concern for anyone, then they probably should not post here. It is very likely that there are cops who are either members of this forum or who read it without membership. If you wanted to bust a cannabis grow op, would you snoop on YouTube or directly on OG, Rollitup, etc?


Are we even allowed to say no? Isnt this a public forum? Couldn’t anyone take a screen shot and post it anywhere just as i have from many other forums ? If you dont want your stuff online dont post it online i would assume? That being said thanks for asking either way and you can use my shit.