Jones Organic Indoor Journal

Reiko has always been great at answering any questions, along with many others on here. Never hesitate to ask. There has been alot of talk about harvest timing lately. The thing that I found interesting was that although the amber may not effect harvest as many have conventionally thought, Reiko still doesn’t let his get much amber if he can help it.


Was always told aim for 30% amber ill try to go for something straight cloudy



Sometimes they never seem to get any amber, that plant you took the pic of looks good to chop anytime for me.


Really theres still some clear trichomes though what the cloudy just means its at its peak thc right? I’d like to give it a few days to maximize i think?



I guess I’m a bit of an outlier in the sense that I also don’t like a lot of amber, but I’ve never once smoked anything I’ve harvested and thought to myself “I wish I’d let this go longer so it could be 1% stronger” :grinning:

I’d put myself solidly in the “almost all milky trichomes, with the fewest clear and amber as possible” camp.

Plants look great, you’re gonna enjoy them no matter what, I bet :wink:


Lmao i can be a bit of a perfectionist some times it drives me up a wall so should I pull them or wait i just ran a ozone generator for 2 hours and it seems to have reduced the smell a lot was kinda wanting to see if it’d come back after a couple days but ill take majority recommendations


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I would say you got a bit. Still some clear in there.


They will continue to change after they get chopped, I am a bit of a perfectionist with my art, not so much with plants, its hard to control or calculate nature and all its variables lol. As Howard said, I doubt you will notice any difference in the end product. If you like to experiment you could chop 1 now one in a week and the last in 2 weeks time see which you like best.


That’s a great point! I do staggered harvests often myself when I’m running a strain for the first time, just so that I get a good feel for when I like it best.


Day 57 im going to give them a better look later its hard i have a buddy that stays with me and has no idea that these are at the summer house and I’d like to keep it that way he’ll think i grew them outside but I think im ready to chop at least two of them! Was looking through a journal last night found a guy (not here) that grew a huge crystal meth and mine turned out super small now i know theres different pheno but damn he grew like a cutie on one plant im lucky to get a half but they did grow incredibly fast but im pretty sure his only went a little longer but he’s using the advanced nutrient line


Yours have all grown to the same height and size, so I would say it’s the plants phenos controlling size and not the feed.

They are a looking great, the ones at the back are bulking up nicely now👍


Yaaa I was just about to day that’s not a good sign!!! It’s either light, soil, feet! In my experience when the sprouts yellow like that they stop growing and die!! New growth will be lighter but that’s not what that is.

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Day 58 waking up early to chop them tomorrow


Beautiful work and happy harvest @mr_jones15 :pray::pray::star_struck:


Nice grow, good job man. I’m proud of you.


Man, I’ve been following your project from the beginning. This is nuts. It takes so much knowledge, discipline to reach something beautiful like this. Great job!


Also, I am planning to run some autoflowers soon, so please let us know the total amount of harvest from each plant.



Day 59 chopped the other girls during dark period early this morning got them hanging in the closet havent trimmed them yet will tomorrow after dr appointment the other girls are looking pretty nice though :ok_hand:t2: thanks for all the support from everybody you guys rock :metal:t2:


Thanks @Wakamaka4 I will get a wet weight tomorrow after trimming and post for the crystal meth girls but theyre pretty small the west coast og and gsc are looking promising though stay tuned :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My thoughts as well, still a few clear. The first time I grow a plant I usually harvest in stages so I can see the difference. :+1::dash::dash::dash::sunglasses::v: