My Second Grow. Planet of the Grapes and Crescendo (ethos)

Hello. I am back. It has been a few months since my first run. It was very fun and I am excited to get started again.

Last time I did a run from clones. This time I will be using feminized seeds. Two strains this time. Planet of the grapes and Crescendo. Both from ethos genetics. I started 4 seeds but once again I will be using my 2x4ft vivosun tent. If all 4 work out I guess I will try 3 gallon grow bags as opposed to the 5 gallons ones I used on my previous grow. I had 3 plants in there before and it was pretty crowded. If all 4 make it I will not veg for long either.

One day I will switch up my fertilizer but for now I will run the exact same ferts as my last run, and will continue to do so until I run out. They are as follows. The 3 fox farm ones, calmag, and kelp. I bought 6 bottles of the foxfarm ones to get a sale price. I am trying to switch from foxfarm ocean forest for the soil to pro-mix hp but ever place I look has none. I may end up using ocean forest again. The seeds are in black gold seedling mix. I planted them directly into the cup.

Also, I got a new light. Viparspectra XS4000. It is to large for my space I have decided so I will be running it probably at %50-75. The spread is very nicely fit for my tent.

Rock on.


Lets get this party started! :+1: :partying_face: :+1:


I routinely run 4 3gallon pots in my 2x4

You might have to look around but the promix is worth it IMO

Best of luck on your grow


I’ve seen some really great looking plants come out of both of those. I’m not the biggest on Ethos but folks find some straight :fire: so :man_shrugging: To each their own. Best of luck on the journey and be sure to take notes for future reference and learning

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You could always grab a brick of coco and some perlite for the same / less than the promix. Planet of the grapes has been one of my favorite strain names since I found out about it.


Nice!! My buddy just harvested his crescendo, he said he really likes it!


Their Crescendo is very nice! The #11 cut in particular that was floating around Denver last Summer has some great gassy tones, if you’re into that (I know I am!).

Also, Promix has been more difficult to source in a lot of places. I had to take a small trip to grab a bale last year. It’s overpriced for me, but it is good stuff. Consider coco like @Eagles009 mentioned. He and others grow some fuego with it.


great genetics good luck and enjoy the process !


Hi. My first update! Happy to report, went 4 for 4 on the beans. 3 days after planting I woke up to little baby pot plants.


thats impressive in and of its self! always nice to bat 100! think you can ditch the plastic now and get that light nice n dialed in!

@204medismoke Thanks! They all popped with an hour of each other. Crazy. I Was not sure if the plastic would help me with humidity, its kind of low the rh is like 30 percent. I figured I’d give them another day or so than pull my little plastic tent off.

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@anon20530495 I love the gassy! Hope I get a similar phenotype!

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@Foreigner cool, I think I’ll try the 3 gallon pots. I wanted the promix because I think I had some root issues last run. It was probably over watering and my own fault! If I have to use more traditional soil again I think I may do better this time.

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Random question for the overgrown hive. I have never grown feminized seeds, are they always 100% female? Can you take clones from them just like normal? When I grew in my youth they were not really a thing.

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They should be. I have only ever gotten females from fem seeds. I’ve read others getting males or autos instead. Probably breeder / seller mistakes sending wrong beans.

You can clone them like normal.


Hello. Day 5 update. I have noticed some fungus gnats in my little garden, some Asian lady beetles as well. I was expecting the gnats and have already mixed in some d.e. for silica into the soil before planting the seeds. The little lady beetle I believe is harmless and photogenic lol. The little trees seem to be happy little trees. For now anyway!


Day 7. Things are going well. This is my first run from seed in 20 years so I do not really know what I am looking for, but so far they seem happy. They have new little leaves sprouted and when I was taking these photos I also noticed they seem a little frosty! The two Planet of the grapes a little more so. I am not taking clones or anything, I am trying to stay within the legal limit. If this feminized seed run works out I might just stick with it.

Group shot

Planet of the Grapes



every thing looks good to me. what is the plant count limit. those are decent priced beans, sure you dont want to take at least one clone of each incase there is a keeper? you can always reveg bet that can take months.



Limit is 4 plants. Kind of sucks, should at least let us have more in veg. It was $120 for 10 feminized seeds but they also gave 10 freebies. Hey if all 10 germ that’s $12 a plant! Depending on the structure I will probably top them at some point I might see if anyone wants a cutting. My brother was thinking about giving growing a try.


I have my light at %25 about 18 inches away from the plants. That should be around 120 watts led. Does that seem good to yall? I can turn the light stronger or adjust the height. Tent is around 78F and 35% humidity. I’d like it more humid but not so bad I want to buy a humidifier or anything.