Jones Organic Indoor Journal

I already trimmed dry trim is pain the ass but I should be right on schedule for that i think a few more days so perfecto thanks :call_me_hand:t2:


Dry trimming is a pain, but Iā€™m doing it. It helps the buds dry a bit slower, and since I donā€™t have an ideal drying area, Iā€™m doing what I can. Plenty of differnt ways to do things. Iā€™m glad the dry is going nice and slow.


I rough trim anything off the plant with no trichs on that goes back on top of the soil, to feed the plants, and once dry, do a final trim and keep what is trimmed off for oil making.


Was moving around the buds for drying and the gsc had to be peeled off the box :grin: some sticky shit it clogged my trimmers twice and blew a fuse once with those two girls and they smell the best so far the purple really lost its grape smell


I went through and pulled all the sugar leaves and anything that was easily accessible at the base to try and get as much as I can before it dried i know there was some stuff with trichomes on it that got mixed into the bunch but I was planning on recycling it back to the bed anyhow other than that didnt get very much trim idk if its the wander trimmers or what seems like I wouldve gotten more than half a baggie plus the purple had almost a half baggie itself


I like itā€¦ How deep was your bed? Iā€™m thinking about running half of my 4x8 like this.


The bed is 58" x 58" x 18" itā€™s great



Give us a good smoke report after they cure a bit. Those crystal meth plants sure got purple.


They straight up grew purple bud they didnā€™t change into it but I was just thinking ive never had good purple bud and this purple looks the least out of the 3 the gsc is nice and sticky I was peeling buds apart earlier :grin::call_me_hand:t2: and the west coast og is up there with it but looking back at the purple it kinda just reminds me of shitty bud like I said Iā€™ve never had good purp idk what it is



Did you add worms to the soil? Is it really live? Also i read your whole thread but Iā€™m kind of forgetful. What is the bed made out of?


Yes I added worms and i only did one batch of compost tea cause I watered it 3 weeks in for the last time well not true I added a sprout tea and kelp extract 3 gallons and the bed is a custom size from grassroots fabric pots



Been 2 weeks today it doesnā€™t have that crisp clean snap yet but its like right there should I wait or jar it? Some of the stems maybe not much had a hollow stem not sure what that means? Dare I smoke a joint? Hell yeah Iā€™m about to doesnt smell like anything =/ harvey dog didnā€™t approve but he approved of the other two he knows his shit


I wait for it to be crispy on the outside but still squishy on the inside before jarring, most of the time the branches are not cracking before I jar. Sometimes I have to get it all out of the jars and paper bag it as it sweats out the water making it moist again. Just keep and eye on it to make sure it doesnā€™t dry right out, or it wont cure properly, it needs moisture to break down the chlorophyll.

I usually speed dry a small bud to get an idea of what its like.


I think im right at that point its a little crispy and a little squishy not much of either but man this is super smooth smoke doesnt taste great the buzz is meh but so smooth i wonder if its cause its all organic or maybe ive just been smoking a lot of stems lately lol how do you speed dry a small bud?



Just finished the joint the buzz is actually decent definitely heady but the taste ehh I want better the smoke is so smooth I love it


My gaming PC has the side removed off the case I just stick a bud on top of one of the hard drives and it dries it in a couple of days.

I find the taste and flavour will change and develop over time in the cure, a lot of my stuff is meh at first and then after a couple of months cure its pretty strong, you got to let the terpenes condense down, like making a soup, you got to let it simmer for a 6-7 hours so the water reduces down and condenses and magnifies the flavours. 3 day old soup always has more strength of flavour than fresh made, same with chili lol.


So how long do actually let it cure for? Good analogy with the soup thing btw. Iā€™ve read you can cure for 6 months but I just wasnā€™t sure because Iā€™ve seen someone bring me this deathstar they grew and same with this one strand of gg#4 it wasnā€™t cured but it was just so strong right off the bat I literally had this shit bagged 4 times came walking in the front door out the backdoor and the whole house just smells like flowering buds for hours its freakin insane only those two times out of all the buds Iā€™ve ever seen but ive not grown much or had much success really so I didnā€™t know if some strains just have it and some donā€™t i just assumed the ones that have it can be cured to bring it out even stronger and the strains that didnt have it just didnā€™t have it so this will be cool experience for me first time cause this stuff just doesnā€™t have a strong smell to begin like at all kinda wanted to say some kinda spice maybe but its so suttle almost nothing maybe Iā€™m just used to the smell



Since they were autos, the buzz may not be quite what you want yet either, IMHO. I tried some of my mothers lemon ak, and the buzz was short and not that great. The autos are getting better, supposedly, but I havenā€™t tried any great ones personally.

I really do not want to be a downer or bash anyone for sure. Thatā€™s just what I have experienced. Your grow was awesome and inspiring to say the least.

Edit: People will keep it in the jars for long periods, even like a year.


Going to run some mephisto beans next heard nothing but the best about these and im going to stuff the tent with 16 girls this time 4 rows of 4 instead of 3 rows of 3. Is it ok to leave old roots in the soil i just pruned them at the base?



I have stuff that has been curing close to 12 months now, mostly mine is around 6 months old by the time I get to it but, after last year I went a bit crazy on the plant numbers and I still have about 2K sitting in jars atm, you have to keep it cool and in the dark to slow the THC degradation to CBN though. I find the smell just keeps getting more powerful, but sometimes the buzz losers intensity. I opened a jar of 7 month old Tut on Saturday to show a buddy, and my eyes started watering with the intensity of the fumes before I even got it 6 inches from my nose lol.

Yeah sometimes stuff that doesnā€™t have a strong smell, never change in the cure as well, probably just lack of terps from the get go, but your not going to know until it gets there :wink:

I just chopped some Purple Kush autos that Grease Monkey gave me, that is one of the strongest, nicest tasting and smelling weed plants I have ever had, I had quick dried a couple of grams and went through it very quickly, its just so good, I am now probably going to smoke it all before it gets to a month old lol.

Just make sure you got plenty of sulphur in your soil or add Epsom salts to the water, its got Magnesium and sulphur in it. Sulphur boosts terp production. Gypsum is best as that is counter balanced with Calcium and wont affect your soil PH.