Jones Organic Indoor Journal

The lemon ak could have very well been poor genetics from the breeder. I’m not expert on autos, I just know what my very limited experience has shown me. I’m glad you got some good smoke from that shadey.

I would grow those beans out and hope for the best. My first time around I started with strictly bagseed, and ended up with high quality smoke. It’s all about the journey, and if you take care, it will end up much better than what you can buy!


The stuff I have is supposed to be good for the first 6 months with no amendments and these girls only took 2 months so i figure I’m good for another round of autos before getting a soil test? I have this mix of things never used much of it is still full but I don’t want to over do anything

And idk how the hell you wait 6 months I’m itching to burn all that purp even though I have other weed :smile:

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That’s pretty good stuff, I wish I got some of that instead of the Gaia Green.

Yeah you should be good, balance is important as well as amounts one adds.

Your bacteria should be ramping up now as well. I am thinking back to my first grow using no till and my plants lacked intensity of smell and taste after drying for the first couple of grows, might take time for enough sulphur to break down and become available.


I was emailing them before they said its all equal parts by weight just not sure where to start i guess just a quarter recommended strength? I don’t have any compost know where to get any good stuff? Maybe kis? Haven’t looked? You think i should add craft mix and Epsom salts? Or just one or the other


It says at the bottom of the advert info they will be testing it, I assume that was done, so long as the NPK ratios do not out balance each other to much, which is easy to do with single ingredients, if you’re not careful, but a mix like that should be excellent.

A lot of those ingredients add minerals, you could add some Epsom to your water, but your plants look very healthy so they definitely have enough magnesium. I use a table spoon per gal of water, every other watering in flower, but you could start with a half tablespoon per 4 liters and see how that goes. I would hold back on the craft mix maybe add some at the end of your next grow, but I would use half of what they recommend to start, remember you are also feeding with your cover crop when you chop it back, as well as the weed leaf trim which is called green manuring.

Sheep manure compost is very good as it’s not to hot, rabbit or lama is better as it doesn’t need to sit and compost. I use Cardwell farms organic sheep compost, I can get it locally here are you in the US.


I was going to buy some rabbits to start with eventually trying to move to a more private farm hopefully next year. I’m in Ohio tri state area and I really didn’t do shit to the soil it was the biochar mix i got from kis thid shit rocks for sure :+1:t2:


Just find someone you know who has kids with pet rabbits most people struggle to get rid of it all when they clean out the hutch. people here post adds in local buy and sell free adds asking for it.


Right on, I definitely add rabbit gold pellets unto my supersoil. I also use it to top dress. You could top dress a little with that mineral you got. Even scratching a little in to the top could make a difference, as well as the green manure. That build a soil looks like great stuff. I can’t wait to see how you come along.

With guys like shadey around, you will get great advice, and have some awesome grows.


Plan was cut the overgrown vegetation thats in the tent now, powder the surface somewhat lightly with the craft blend from bas, throw some compost over all that, then place in the new girls unless you know of a better way im just winging it im all ears


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Man, that sounds good to me. I’m winging it also, I just read a ton!


New beans soaked overnight and dropped into some sprout island blend from coast of maine hope nobody minds me extending the journal :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: still waiting on one toofless alien to sink

Red = Toofless Alien by Mephisto

Yellow = Toof Decay by Mephisto

Teal = Skywalker by Mephisto

Purple = Northern Cheese Haze by Mephisto


I, for one, am glad to see you extend it sir. :grin:


Just keep the thread going man.

That’s a lot of plants are they all feminised autos.


Uh yeah I just assumed they were lol



I think all mephisto gear is feminized autos. Please correct me if I’m mistaken. I’m excited to watch this. I have about eight packs of his seeds for an auto project.


@mr_jones15. What kind of lights are you using?


Just the one newest light from hlg the 650r but I’m highly interested in some additional lighting for lower branches got any ideas?



That 650r is supposed to be pretty badass. Were the bottom branches airy?


Just really small popcorn on the 4 bushy plants and now that I’ll be running an additional 7 plants compared to last run I know its going to be dark on the underside


Trim them up man. You said you will be running photoperiods this time, so break that scrog net back out. Trim the larf and send the energy to the tops. Do some chiropractic work on them to help hold the weight. I’m excited to see how this one goes.