Jones Organic Indoor Journal

Yea, I feed the same thing regardless of if there are flowering or veg. I usually top dress EWC at the same time I transplant and again when I flip to flower.


Do you make your own castings? Essentially how else would you know what nutrition would be available otherwise?



Yes, I have a worm bin. It mostly gets coffee grounds and hamster bedding.


Did you buy that vortex tea brewer or DIY it? That looks awesome lol.


Bought it here but everytime I try and checkout with a smaller one it comes up as an error now…


I just aquired some Sul-po-mag it’s very fine like flour, how do you make a tea with it and how much do you use :thinking:


Did all you guys build your own soil from scratch? I’m kinda nervous about adding things cause I always screw shit up so I do it in very light doses now. Do you guys get soil tests done?


Yeah I built mine from scratch, small quantities is best when adding stuff and waiting about 3-4 weeks for me to make sure it’s doing what I need it to do,. I buy a basic soil test kit, shows NPK ratios, I need to get some more test powder, my soil went out of whack back in the summer and I really need to stop guessing and do a test…


I included the instructions for my teas or extracts depending on what you want to call them.

Sul-po-mag - Once a month
1 Gallon Water
1 Teaspoon Sul-po-mag

Add an airstone with the water and sul-po-mag and let set for a couple of days until soluble.

Neem/Kelp tea - Once a month
5 gallons Water
1 cup Neem Meal
1/2 cup Kelp Meal
1/4 teaspoon Aloe Powder
5 ml Silica

Place neem and kelp in a tea bag (I use a bag my worms came in) and steep overnight. Add aloe and silica before drenching the soil.

Malted Barley Tea - Once a week
1 gallon Water
1 oz. (28 grams) Malted Barley Powder
15 ml Fulvic Acid
1/4 teaspoon Aloe Powder
5 ml Silica

Grind malted barley powder in an old coffee grinder and place in a tea bag. Steep for no longer than four hours. Add fulvic acid, aloe, and silica before drenching the soil. Alternatively, sprinkle malted barley powder on soil surface and water in with the rest.

Coconut Water Tea - Once a week
1 gallon Water
1 teaspoon Coconut Water Powder
15 ml Fulvic Acid
1/4 teaspoon Aloe Powder
5 ml Silica

Mix all ingredients and drench soil.

Foliar Spray (IPM) - Once a week
1 gallon Water
15 ml Neem Oil
1/4 teaspoon Aloe Powder
10 ml Silica

In a small shot glass add silica to the neem oil and stir until completely homogenous. Add to warm (at least 75F) and mix thoroughly. Add aloe and spray immediately before lights out.


Thanks for that.

I added about half a teaspoon per 10 gal pot as a top dress. I will add some to water and try it like you do.


The cold brew/tea is useful with smaller plants. I generally just top dress.


I just did a pinch on my seedling party cups, as it is a bit hydrophobic like the freeze dried coconut water, when added to water, but if it just needs to be left to sit longer on the surface to become soluble after time, then that’s not a problem.

I need to get some aloe as well, I am nearly all out of plants to make fresh aloe juice, I have one mother which is getting huge, close to 3 ft now, I had to move it, as it was blocking all the light through the window lol.


These ones are growing much slower than than the beans I just had from fastbuds these are about 4 weeks in now but since I’ve transplanted them (a few days after) I noticed more growth starting to take


I warned you not to order from slow buds bro! :joy:

Hopefully they will kick in soon. If not, stay away from those genetics.


Slow buds? Mephisto?



Maybe because I didn’t transplant them right away like last time? Well it has been 15 days still though hmm

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Sorry buddy, bad joke😉


One of my Tomahawk took a bad turn a day or two ago it was looking fine and now this!? I got them under a t5 now they were bathing under my 650r prior and one of the frozen gelato just upped and croaked yesterday not sure what the hell I did to piss them off but the frozen gelato came out finicky af already


Ouch man. Sometimes it happens.

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Well the one on the bottom I was going to be surprised if it lived but the one on top what hell did I do lol it was literally growing fine but now it’s all twisted overnight


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