Jones Organic Indoor Journal

Hopefully @Shadey will pop on here sometime today. It will take someone with more experience than I to help figure that out I believe.


Think my humidity may be lower I just placed a hygrometer next to the deformed plant when I check on the other ladies earlier I noticed my rh is super low at 39%


Looks like your going to have to bury that hatchet , excuse the pun lol.

I doubt the humidity did it, I think itā€™s just mutant genetics by the looks of it.


They literally looked normal and green and healthy two days ago and then all of the sudden one croaks over and one twists Iā€™ve seen then grow straight mutated and twisted but never just seen one do it over night from being a normal looking healthy plant was all just thought it was strange they both did it at the same time but they are both Tomahawk from greenpoint


Looking at this list wondering why do you add all these things? How do you figure these equations out? I want to know how to know what to add and when and why not just follow in someoneā€™s footsteps forever how do you know these things!? o.O


Reading lots of information, trial and error, itā€™s a slow process of acquiring experience.


Nobody went to any kind of schooling? Soil science maybe?



No I didnā€™t, but might be an idea if you wanted to go that route, once I start paying for information I tend to put more effort into learning, but like everything itā€™s all theory until you put it into practice.

The info that helped me the most is plant biology why they do what they do and how nutrients and environment are important and affect the plants in different ways.

When you understand the biology and environment you can manipulate your plants better.

For me understanding humidity properly was a big eye opener, I just mainly focused on light and heat, and basically ignored RH. Itā€™s all important and needs to be in balance. Everyoneā€™s environment is different, so thatā€™s where the trial and error comes in and gives experience.


Thats something Iā€™m learning lately it really is the small things that make such a big difference


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Once I got ahold of the book teaming with microbes, I read it in just a few days. I need to get the next one. I wish I would have gone to school for botany instead of business. I love science.


Itā€™s on amazon audible and the fungi one is now as well I still need to give it a listen



And just like that Tomahawk is back to looking healthy and normal again maybe its my watering schedule? The ones in the 5x5 finally started noticeably started going again after a large drink :sweat_smile: I am so bad at it I either overwater (which Iā€™ve mostly focused on not doing that anymore) or I underwater letting them go to long but I ordered some drip irrigation for the 5x5 so thatā€™ll be easily fixed now to figure out a veg room for the mothers Iā€™m popping a bunch and doing some breeding coming up!


The best advice I got was from old Reynard I believe. He said he waters 5% of total container volume every other day. Once 8 started giving my 7/10 of a gallon pots 4.5 ounces of water, every other day, they started looking great. Living soil is a balancing act. If you let it get too dry, it hurts the microbial life. It may be a bit more difficult to come up with a schedule in a bed. The amount should go up as the roots spread.


Ah I was thinking something like 12% but I didnā€™t realize it was going to be an every other day thing and wasnā€™t sure what you meant by this?

Once 8 weeks you give you 7 and 10 gallons pots 4.5 zips of water?


My keyboard on my stupid phone combined with my fat fingers, sorry man!! Iā€™m on the laptop now, so Iā€™m good to go. Autocorrect doesnā€™t like me typing .7 gallons either.

Every other day I was giving my .7 gallon pots, 4.5 ounces of water. That is 5% of .7 gallons. Now, with my 3 gallon net pots, I am giving 20 ounces every other day. I need to find out the true size of this brand of pot, because its probably not 3 gallons, and that is how I figured 20 ounces. They seem to be doing fine so far. The added aeration over the plastic tells me that they will just need more from here. It worked as a great starting point for me and lined out the issue I had with my leaves.


Think I may try the blumats and a 5 gallon bucket thats gravity feeds but I know I bought a bunch of blumats a couple years back just gotta find them hopefully they didnā€™t get pitched in trash



Are t5 still the thing for mother plants? Iā€™m wanting to start a couple different packs (2 or 3 idk yet) but Iā€™m wondering should I bite it and grab a full spectrum light or just a cheapo? Since the clones are genetic copies of the moms plus Iā€™m wanting to find a stud or two wouldnā€™t you want to grow those plants just like you were growing them out fully anyways since youā€™d be taking copies?


I got a good deal on some bad boy t5ā€™s. Itā€™s what I plan to use for clones, mothers, and veg.


Nice whatā€™d you get



I got 3 of the 12 inch (4 bulb) for 40 bucks each. They list at 170 bucks!