Jones Organic Indoor Journal

Been a bit busy trying to hammer down some yard work while it’s been really nice out and haven’t bothered with the girls for a while they started getting some new growth but growing crooked towards the light but I flipped the middle lights on now so hopefully they straighten up a bit all looking good besides the wedding cake is a little slow but I’m sure she’s gotta be thirsty


Yikes I let these girls go for 2 weeks and they didn’t keep going without me it’s crazy how not going over and talking and playing music for them everyday just checking on them watering them (thats obvious one) they really just slowed way down and almost went dormant like super slow growth idk I’ve never grown these mephisto just comparing to the fastbuds from last time on a brighter note the shed is up!


Nice job on the shed, you got carpentry skills :+1: are you adding a ceiling and insulation or just leaving it open :thinking:

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Really nice shed like the floor and high ceiling.


That’s funny I have no carpentry skill but I have all the intentions to learn actually I’ve been looking into getting started with some smaller projects and see where I can go from there I am genuinely interested in learning but some Mennonite guy and his team built that from ground up under 2 hours but yeah I’m waiting on an electrician Thursday then getting a mini split installed then going to have some spray foam insulation installed should make it sturdier and sealed up almost all the way tight besides I think I’m going to leave the ridge vent exposed so it has some room to breathe slightly he put two vents on my walls but I’m going to cover them and spray over them with the foam I’m open to suggestions though I’m winging it from Google I’ve never built a grow room it’s pretty exciting!


I’m so excited the cool thing is when I move it’s going on a flatbed and coming with me it’s tall af it was a mini loft barn minus the loft I wanted the extra ceiling space I think the side walls are about 6’2" to give you an idea


A 2 hour build, they have done this before then :slightly_smiling_face:, it took me 4 months to build my 16 x 16 ft workshop by myself, from start to finish. It’s all insulated and dry walled though and had a spray booth, now flower room.

I would definitely leave the gable end vent open, also one of the wall vents for your extraction fan exhaust.

If you don’t vent, you will probably get a heavy frost/ice build up on the inside of the roof from the humidity, over winter and come spring thaw you will have an inside rain storm flooding event. It will also rot your wood pretty quickly unless your spray on insulation is at least R20 on the inside of the roof I would think


Yeah they’re building a couple of these a day I was the second one that day they’re pretty cheaply made though pressure treated plywood the floor was upgraded from what they were going to give me though it was some attic flooring or something but the mini split has a dehumidifier I guess already and it’ll be climate controlled so I was wanting to seal it up pretty good as much as I could at least and at that point why not add co2 down the line? I’m going to have to run a carbon filter so maybe I should exhaust it out one of the side vents and try to let it drag air through the ridge vent of the roof? Idk man I’ve never done anything like this and just going hands on


If you are running it as a sealed grow with heat pump air-conditioning you can cover the vents you won’t need them, I would leave them in myself, you may want to do something else with the shed sometime, and it’s easier to keep them, than try and put them in later.

You may need some CO2 depending on how those heatpumps work, if they don’t draw some air in passively though.

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Well I’m using this to make money so if I want another down the road I’ll buy one I’m not worried about it right now I’m strictly rigging this up to grow and hopefully I can build my own shed one day I need a hobby like that but I’d like to have a passive vent on the ridge since I did pay extra for that :expressionless: but I’m not sure how much heat/cold loss I would incur it’s pretty small and the lights will be pushing a bit of heat I picked up 4 more hlg 650r they’re 15% through the Canadian dealer with code wolverine15 but if it’s all sealed with closed cell spray foam that things gonna be pretty damn tight EXCEPT I forgot one thing… the floor isn’t sealed but I was looking some options it’s to close to the ground to try and crawl under it if I was a little more handy maybe a subfloor? Hmm idk I’ll look into it but I don’t want to wait I want this thing growing it’s going to be around $20k investment but totally worth it for the floor I was thinking lay this out and staple it down

Place one of these over that then staple it down

And then place a tarp over those staple it down and maybe even an area rug just to set over that but its going to have several tons of dirt in the center in the raised bed so once everything’s down it’s down lol


I used Tyvek weather shield, it’s what houses are wrapped in under the siding. I used it on my floor joists a used red tuck tape to join it, then put 2x6 floor planks on top and spray foamed the gaps. In my flower room I have a roofing rubber down on the floor, it has an R value of 3.

The insulated tarps are ok, but can be a tripping hazard, the top layer can slide over the bottom layer with time, and they tear, if they are like the ones I have used in construction. If you have enough height and money, a sub floor would be better. Just lay some 1 inch thick high density foam insulation down and drop some 3/4 inch OSB board on top and and screw down in place.

Don’t use an area rug, it will get mouldy and full of dirt.


Frozen Gelato


Do you think 86⁰f (30⁰c) is to hot to water plants with through a drip irrigation tube? I figure it may cool down a bit on the way through


I would try to cool it down a bit. From what I found, water that warm can cause issues. How did your water get that hot?


Lol well it isn’t actually that hot I’m just trying to get warmer water to my roots in the shed my floor is not insulated but I’m looking into this stuff called aerogel seems promising if I can get some it’s the highest r value for insulation that we know of which is perfect because I have about "1¼ till my door scrapes the floor so not much room to work with here and another person was telling me even though they had a furnace the first two feet were frozen because no insulation in the floor so I’m worried for my roots and during the winter months I don’t want to be shocking them with super cold water so I was looking into these tankless water heaters that heats up minimal of 86⁰f but I figure it may start dropping a degree or two by time it hits the soil and begins the absorb from the drip system from what I’ve found online it says 77⁰f was highest suggested but 86⁰f isn’t to far off and if it starts cooling through the tubes by time it arrives I think it’ll be ok just curious if other people watered with warm water it was advised that warm water is better than cold water especially during winter months



Well, the only thing that I actually found was that warm water isn’t great. I wasn’t looking for information comparable to your current situation. Old-Ron used the foam board that is used behind vinyl siding under his pots, and showed some promising results, in accelerated growth. I’m not 100% for sure. I’ve been trying to let my water heat up to room temp before I water since it has gotten colder.


I think low to mid 70’s is close to decent temps ,higher water temp I’ve found mess with ppm numbers . A comment in regards to your door to floor clearance you can always saw couple inches off the bottom of the door according to the clearance you require possibly getting away with a cheaper insulation idea.


Just paid $400 for the door I’m not cutting this thing I figure I’m in this deep what’s a little more money I like going ott with things this is going to be practically livable lol I had the idea today though of mimicking a glass greenhouse connected to it doubling its square footage


My leaves are curling in for some reason not sure why I have them sitting in a window sill now instead of the t5 I dont have anything to hang it so I just set them in a sunny window but this weeding cake f1 just seems to be not liking something it’s been growing so super slow and showing these inward curling leaves its not hot or real humid in here (the temp and rh spike was from being near fireplace with hygrometer)


At first I wanted to say over watered, but clearly you just watered them. The dark leaves that curl downward could indicate too much nitrogen in your soil/feed.

You are growing under LEDs right? If so try bumping your temps up to 80°F and your RH up to 65%. This should increase leaf surface temps while keeping your VPD in a nice range for veg.