Jones Organic Indoor Journal

That’s a big swing in temps and RH must have been a wet and warmer day than usual, been getting a few of those myself this last couple of weeks. Temps fluctuating between 0 and 16c with a lot of rain on the warmer days.

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This was just in my container with the mushrooms thats what the big shift was from didn’t realize it was so dry in the tent area though



What is this it just appeared? Water burn spots I just watered them? Theres another like it


That’s what I thought as soon as I saw it.


A buddy gave me this little clipping in a tiny little container and I’m looking to mother some plants soon anyhow is there any good organic nutrient lines for managing mothers?



Make sure to quarantine her! Cuttings make me so nervous now. I don’t want to end up with something (mainly bugs).


Dr earth if you’re keeping it organic. Dry amendments. Dirt cheap, very effective. Top feed or mix into your soil you plan to up-pot it into. Lots of beneficial additives, worth checking out.


Oh shit he did just have spider mites!!


Dry amendments for top feeding? Wouldn’t I run out of space by time she was hungry? I was going to try and keep it real small and bonsai like so not a lot of room to work with

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I guess if you’re vertically challenged I can see how topfeeding could be difficult. I generally just massaged a lil bit into the topsoil and called it good. I mixed my flowering amendments into the soil ahead of time.


You don’t want those for sure!!


Man I would not put that cutting any where near your other plants. Keep it somewhere else off the property in quarantine if possible. All my mite problems have come from cuttings, once they are in its very hard to destroy them completely 2-3 months down the road they will appear again usually when in flower so you cant spray the little bastards. I just downloaded that pic and blew it up there are lots of tiny white dots I can see on the underside of the leaf on the left and the small leaf next to it that shows the top side, has some speckles on it. You should check it with a magnifier.

I use Gaia Green or Jobes organic 3.7.5 dry ferts or amendments, the problems with keeping mothers in small pots is they take a lot of time looking after them, the PH goes out of whack easily and I find they either have too much or not enough food. ReikoX uses either salt based or organic liquid nutes for his mothers cant remember which, but I think it makes life a lot easier for controlling the amount of feed rather than a bit of top dressing now and again. The problem with organic ferts is they take time to break down and get into the system and by the time you have noticed they need some they can get into a poor state of health and become useless for taking cuts until the food becomes available again and the plants health returns.


always the same story with the mites :frowning:


He had them and used some neem and soap then dr earth spray and he said they’re gone but they disappeared in days but he only had a couple small cuttings they were on they never made it across his room to his 3x3 thought it was odd they disappeared so fast you think they’ll reappear?

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I quarantined it it’s in a different building then my other girls tent I observed it closely I couldn’t really see any damage on it



It’s a chronic thunder I gave him some seeds he just started growing first time ever a couple months ago and he gave me a clone that he’s been experimenting with what’s the best size pot to use for mother plants you think? 3 gallons sounds reasonable


Many people have have them gone, only for them to reappear weeks later. Mites are hard to get rid of. I highly doubt he got them all in 2 sprayings.


I wondered from everything that I’ve read i was thinking no way everyone always say it takes months you have to remove everything scrub everything its a huge pain in the ass and he’s just yup they’re gone sprayed them once lol we’ll see I havent been going over there he hasn’t really been over much either
