Jordan of the Islands

I just hope hes still shipping to the US; and if he is, then I dont expect to see my beans for AT LEAST 2 months… I think the fastest he ever shipped was like a month and a half, longest was 4. But if youre in CAN then its like a GLG or JBC order apparently…


Oh damn, well the first page of the site says worldwide shipping. Will see what happens as I’m in the US and just placed that order.


I really enjoy JOTI’s gear, I just hate how “old school” it is when it comes to beans arriving. It honestly reminds me of the dark days of sending cash in the mail over to EU hoping to get something back and then 3 months later you check your mailbox almost forgetting you ordered them (half because you think you got scammed) and then BOOM letter in the mail addressed to you with seeds hidden inside. Its also why I dont send large orders to him anymore. It was just too damn stressful hoping id get something back, where as if I ordered through a US distributor, it comes within a week. So I still buy stuff from JOTI, usually when he has sales (Im pretty sure he is still doing his every order gets a freebie), and I keep my orders small. I figure it makes it easier to ship and in turn ill get my stuff faster.


Grabbed a couple more


Well, bank draft it is for my order. USPS just told me that I can not send a money order to Canada … WHAT !!!
I am gonna go to a different post office cuz I think someone pissed in their Cheerio’s this morning. I just can’t believe that Canada no longer accepts international money orders.
Edit - Well, I guess it is true :confused:.
This time I went to the post office at the airport and they said that Canada is off the list. I will try the bank and if nothing else I will just cancel my order.
Fucking international shit. Just my luck


Yeyeyeye…black funk dawg!!!that grand total of $71 sold me.
Edit: done…cant wait for more freebies!!!


yeah can’t beat that $71 for 2!

I thought about that black funk dawg but wanted to try the hawaiian lights instead.


I’m not expecting mine for a few weeks. Pretty sure just our orders from this thread will keep his staff busy…lol


I was thinking of ordering some seeds but for what ever reason there site won’t accept the discount codes . Three tries and I called a out stress for no reason .


^^^ 19 tabs open :rofl:

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More of my hoarding tendencies showing. :flushed:


Email him and let him know you’re sending USD. Cash is king :wink:


Was going to get the black berry hammer but no bank transfer from the us and I’m not fucking with Bitcoin or a money order. Wish he took PayPal


I’m old school but not that old school. I don’t trust sending cash anywhere. This is too much of a hassle. I am just gonna cancel my order.
I’ll get over it in a few days. Enjoy your orders guys. I am mad and will not be coming back to this thread.
Again, enjoy your beans and happy growing.


Yeah that was my issue too. I don’t like sending cash/MO anywhere. The only reason I even did this was because I already had some Monero converted to btc to get some seeds from soaknbeans yesterday. Had some extra so yeah, it all went to JOTI. Wish he used coinpayments, or yeah Paypal would be glorious for the future. Can only hope though I guess.

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I stayed out of this thread til just now, never shouldve opened. Those are some serious discounts!


Thats why with JOTI I only make his orders small enough so that if I get burned (havent yet), its just a sting and not hemorrhage.


I love the bitcoin option! I ordered last week when there was just one discount count, then placed another order after the 2nd discount code was revealed! Now that’s foolish. I’ll hook you up with my freebie pack, @Prince. Whenever they eventually get here.


I’ve never had problems sending cash I just don’t like it. If you have a Canadian member that you trust just PayPal them the money and have them etransfer it to him.

Hell just PayPal me the cash and order number and I’ll etransfer him the cash I don’t mind.


I just tested the codes they’re still working as of 10:54 pm eastern time. Discount code shown in picture for anyone still interested.