Jordan of the Islands

Ordered a 12 pack of God’s Ak47 on Dec 11th still waiting patiently. Hoping I get at least one good mother from the pack and freebies.

I would order way more gear from Joti if he shipped stuff out faster.


Welcome to Overgrow 2.0! Are you in the US? Did you have them sent to the states or to a Canadian buddy?

I was searching for coupon codes for Joti when I saw that overgrow was back. It’s cool that there’s people out there that still remember the old site.

I used to lurk more than post on the old overgrow but still it was a huge part of my education on growing when I was starting out. Remember how disappointed I was when it went down and all the time I wasted checking to see if it was going to go up again.


Well stick around, it’s still full of very knowledgeable and generous people. The reason I ask if your in the states is, JOTI is apparently very bad about getting his international out in a timely manner, but Canadians get them within weeks, instead of months. It’s kinda common to find a friendly Canadian member as a go between, and have them receive the order and then mail it to you.

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Located in Manitoba Canada

Definitely plan on sticking around. This place has a good vibe just like the old overgrow.


Honestly… it’s even better :laughing:. If you look around you’ll see this is very true.

However, if your familiar with the old Overgrow, sad news as BOG just passed this week.


Anyone else having germ issues with joti gear? First round soaked 6 only 3 sprouted and of those 2 came up and my wife killed them. Second go round soaked ,4 3 sprouted and put into rapid rooters, 2 came up one came up partially and died. Uggggg really wanted to run this black berry hammer. All my 9lb hammer sprouted and are doing quite well. May just pop some blackberry kush and make my own dammed bbh


I have had zero issues with JOTI and germ rates . But I always put my seeds directly into soil filled cups . I do this even if I’m going to transplant into a soilless medium afterwards .


After a lengthy bug battle soil will never enter my space again lol. This is the first of his gear I’ve ran and the methods are the same that get 100% on everything else. I got 4 more so hopefully between the 2 I have up now and whatever comes from the next 4.


Hope it works out for you . I have JOTI seeds in my fridge and more on the way . I like his gear so far . :smiley:


I’d love to run it after how long I had to wait hopefully I get something decent


Any of you try his gods green crack? Better yet the “extractor edition”


God’s Bubba

Better pic…kinda


Ahhh why didn’t I see that one?! Well no fancy pic but an extractor edition does sound sticky icky! Oh… and the blue northern lights Godzilla edition… kinda surprised no one brought these ones up in the group… prob a good thing for me though lol.

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Yea thats what got me… extractor edition must mean gooeyer


I’ve been running his stuff for a very long time without any real issues.

I did get a pack once with 10 males/12 and then a batch of around 23 that sprouted and died for no reason. Might have been my error though.


I got a pack of ggc as freebies with my last order. 6 out of 6 came up


That’s what’s been happening to me. If they sprout they never thrive. I’ve tried every method other than sprouting and going straight to dwc with the sprout lol so far the 2 that lived are doing well. Time will tell. So far I’m not really a fan simply because of the 4 months I waited and him being a complete douche nozzle when asking about a refund. Now issues growing I dunno. I see some straight fire grown by some so guess it’s a wait and see. I know it will have to be something really special for him to get another penny from me.


I haven’t grown it but I used to buy black market bud of that variety a lot (in Canada). Prob not the extractor edition though. I have a few pics on the what are you smoking today vol 1 thread not exactly sure how to link the post here though. Oh well that was easy lol.


Just got my JOTI order in with bonus Gods Strawberry Kush