Joti purchase

I just cut down the lone Afghani #1 that came out of some of @Tappy I acquired in a trade.
Must admit this is probably some of the best commercially made seed that I have hit on in a long while Bar none.
Any of you sitting on Joti gear, I’d get it rolling.
What I can vouch for is his afghani #1.

Be there or be square people
Seriously for the price it beats alot of higher priced gear.


I ran some of Tappy’s Afghan x Blue Lights and I thought it was really nice stuff.

I would grow it again. I’ve got a lemon skunk cross I’ll give a go at some point too.


That sounds great. What sort of flavors smells does it have? I wonder if @Tappy made the Afie x Blue Lights with that particular one?

Hey Motz, my Mother’s Milk are finally getting their flower on. They’re really pretty plants with super wide 7 finger, slender leaves. I was frustrated with them early. they were just drooping like crazy after I up potted them. I was cussing them and couldn’t figure out why they were so fussy. Then I got to wondering if I actually ever fed them??? :thinking: So, I took a chance and added all of my dry nutes and other amendments thinking I had nothing to lose. I was ready to toss them, lol…

Well, my hunch must have been right, doh! They perked up and have been super easy going plants that drink well and are putting on nice flower sites, now. I just took most of the fan leaves out finally as all of the limbs seem established pretty well. Thanks for doing such a great job on them! peace

Oh, and don’t you love it when you hit a strain that you had no expectations for turn around and surprise you real good? It’s the best. So many middle of the road crosses these days. Enjoy!


I one hundred percent agree with you on that. Everything from this guy is super frosty, and brings it in the stone dept. That’s one of the reasons that I participated in both group buys. The right price and the right product.


These are some Gods Critical. My first coco grow. These two pictures are a day apart.

Really great vigor. Hoping for 8 females out of the 15. Anything more ill be overwhelmed due to space constraints.

I picked up a pack of the afghani. Hope it turns out as well as you say.

Probably picked up a couple dozen packs


JOTI Blackberry Breath male doing its thing

Edit: got 6/8 males this run so had more than enough to chose from


Love his purple Kush, it’s one of my favs. Also ran his purp and was very impressed, solid purple buds inside and out. Sticking your nose in a bag of his purp was like smelling a bag of grapes!
Waiting on his garlic breath to show up thought I should try some of the newer crosses


I’ve got bog and joti stuff going right now… the joti looks soooo much better than the bog stuff. If I hadn’t spent 250$ Canucks bucks and 15 years of dreaming I’d probably trash the boggle gum and replace with more joti


@Grease_Monkey not so fast…how about a little BOG Blue Kush dusted with a little JOTI Blackberry Breath pollen?

Edit: I believe we got babies on the way


Beauty!! I’m kind of wondering if the bank even sent me bog seeds… for all I know they kept em and put random in a bog bag lol.

I think my next go will be black dosi fire by Joti


I would say that the BOG should be outperforming most strains. My Sour Bubble are unreal in all departments. That’s from just two seeds. You can feel the work that he’s put into them. Just my opinion. I was impressed with my pants for all of the right reasons.

I know Joti has always had that same reputation. Both are old hats at breeding.


I’ve got joti’s Gods Blue Cheese, Blue City Diesel (platinum Sour Edition), Gods MAC and Crimson Peak going right now and was going to do some BOG next but doesn’t sound like the right idea based on what you have.

I have my last blue kush about to come down.
Very liverwursty smelling, couldn’t expect nothing less, this blue kush line was very uniform and straight on.
This was my favorite out of BOGS stable.
Always has been and yes that is personal choice.
This bad girl at appearance looks to be one big bud, looks like cousin “it”.
I’ve ran into Burmese that have had this appearance.
Be a bit till she comes down, can’t wait been a while.


I was gifted a cutting off a random untested female godbud 2.0, grown from seed and never bloomed before. I bloomed it out and was amazed at the quality. Not even phenos hunted this is week 4 of bloom (second time running this cut)


Sorry to distract from your post @OleReynard this will be my last mention of bog.

@GMan @MBVapester I bought my bog seeds from a U.S seed bank the day after his passing while everything was selling out like crazy. There was no form of sealed package just a lil zip loc with bogs logo stuff. So its totally possible they pulled s fast one on a Canadian. When im Not lazy ill post pics in my thread and try to remember to tag you guys


Maybe I can find a few extras to send you. I don’t think I got much but can’t remember. @Pedro_Bann made these I believe, at least he gifted these to me. I’ve had a few strains that I knew the breeder worked it for generations and it shows above others. I got that out of this one female and another male that has only been in front of a window all winter and basically never fed other that water and it never missed a beat. I came to really like it and I’m gonna see if I can use it for a dad. It’s four feet tall in a one gallon pot.

I don’t mean to go on about BOG either but just that I always knew of Joti as having the exact same rep. Either are safe bets if you get legit seeds. peace


Awesome work @Seamonkey84

@nefrella adopted the mother.

I smoked all of my 2.0. Lol


There he is! I’ve made many clones of her and had my buddy grow them out bigger, he loves it too. I’ve given a few out to members as well :yum:


The keeper I have has a smell I just can’t nail down but it’s pure fire. Pleasant smoke but kinda raw. Fruity but hard back end. Knocks you on your ass though.



The trim job in pic1 is deadly!