Juicy Woo and others

yes, I grew 90shaze x toms haze. it was good, it was 90s haze dominant. 90shaze is colombian side of haze. so if you cross it with toms haze you get colombian mostly with hint of thai, and you have to look for thai pheno, so it easier to grow toms haze and find thai pheno. no? also I didnt find increase of vigor… it was like growing old timer haze, not much different from it. more chunky phenos than in othaze.

thats why I crossed it with black vietnamese, south asian genetics, but I have give credit to Tom again. he said it is more complex than pure thai. I would like to know more about this his thought. as thats how I describe difference between malawi gold or congo, which both contain trippy plants, just… it is not so complex like tom hill haze. and black vietnamese is just as good as malawi gold, if you find those elusive phenos, but again not so complex like toms haze. I cant help, toms haze gives more dimensions of mind imo.

I definitely dont give up with south asian genetics vs. toms haze. I will explore hmong thai, but before I want to look to puna sativa, as I heard there are incredible thai phenos and into new caledonia, which is supposed to be thai/mexican, so again some nice thai phenos.

I really like my grandfunk, it contains thai which came from Hawaii at 90s, so in combination with toms haze, it gives nice thai phenos, and those 100days are super strong, just like thai, but not so complex like toms haze. there is some magic in it.

this complexity is real challenge. but it is about right mixing imo, right ratio and proportionality. and here in this point of thinking, I have to think if straight F1 brings this possibility… got me thinking.

you know what? let talk about those freaks, like when you cross bshw, which is fruity sandalwood, and toms haze, which citric metallic, both inbred, and you get chemical chocolate pheno in the offspring. where it came from? you know what yet? thats how original haze was made, like freaky offspring of traditional imported cultivars.


yeah Tom, it is paradox as I was interested in your haze, because I saw it has colorful phenos, and I read from Skunkman about purple haze, which was stronger than green phenos. I know you dont agree with it. and I like rootbeer pheno, it is nice weed, energetic and euphoric. one of the most euphoric I tried, but that right green pheno is… it is different weed. intergalactic.

also those green ones are not the best tasting, but its all about effect.


hahahahahaha :laughing:


Marihuana seed that has a delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis meets the definition of ‘hemp’ and thus is not controlled under the CSA.”


In that same conversation, Sam says maybe the purple was a bit stronger (I think it’s just more muddy/dizzy), but he also prefer “the lime green with a bit of Thai”. Potency, clarity, and duration, they all work together to effect quality. The purple seems to be a more muddy, dirty high, very common with Colombian and Mexican. The Thai is the best, extremely clean and clear no muddiness no confusion no dizziness. When you walk outside, you can hear the insects walking around on earth. Clean as can be.


This man^ He knows the way! :crown:

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you are completely right. he prefers green ones. :smiley: specifically resin from them.

I have never smoked purple haze which would be stronger than green ones, and I have smoked purple haze93 cut even…

I grew his thaihazeskunk and he told me that his thai mother was purple. which surprised me, as purple thai is not something common. guys have something like purple thai now, 20 WEEKS and more, but it is not purple LOL. hermie stuff.

purple thai, it sounds to me more like south indian or manipuri.


What’s up @TomHill…! :thinking: :wink:

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Project 3 — This one?

Project 2 — Indica

Project 1 — Worldwide…I don’t wanna smoke that :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

:thinking: :thinking: :wink: :wink:

Hell, I could see a project 4, 5, and 6 !!!

Need to do a refresher to refamilarize myself with project 1 and 2……:smiley:

YES there is a finished project 2 !!! :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::flying_saucer::flying_saucer:

One could say more than finished…one might say finished and version 2-ED…lol, let me put it to you like this, project 2 was completed and then reworked into maybe say 100 different lines… :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:

Edit: sorry, didn’t mean too jack your thread, I thought this was the haze thread…:slightly_smiling_face:


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Here’s the document that came from for everyone, it’s a thesis from 2009 that’s huge but super interesting, that table is on page 56:


toms haze, lime green pheno


grandfunk(trainwreck/thai x toms haze), brown thai pheno.


Juicy Woo is chugging along. Slowly filling out. Mild terpenes so far, just a touch of Musk and leathery goodness. I may have inadvertently given her a few seeds recently when I was clumsily dusting my Red Snake with Punta Cometa Oaxacan…I am not heartbroken, hehe…

Right around 8 weeks in I think:




What did I miss :grin:


It is Friday brother don’t want to miss the party


Excellent post, Thanks!! :+1:



juicy is not that loud, you can smell it like two meters from it, but not 40 meters like triangle kush LOL

flavors get better with curing, she is definitely fragrant delicate lady, and not stinky sweaty bitch LOL although peppery metallic pheno was quite nasty I would say hahaha. it depends on pheno.

the pheno, which was commented by Tom Hill as similar looking to golden thai, was tasty at least… sour spicy woody, not really something special, but the effect was… mesmerizing and overwhelming.

DF13haze is louder, but still very hazy, not kushy or skunky.

one guy asked me what is dominant smell for my haze hybrids, and I told him it is mainly spices and haze musk. he await something like kush you know, fuel hashy coffee pine skunk funk… it seems like haze smell is disappointment for some.

the most super tasty haze I smoked: amnesia, mango haze, dosidos x super silver haze, f13haze, mextasy… but none of these have thai haze high like juicy… not even close to it… juicy is different league. but cherry pheno or bubblegummy pheno of juicy are as well as tasty as amnesia for example. you said tropical boogie was very tasty for you too, no?


I would like to make cross with thai haze high and jet fuel or high octane smells. sativa pheno of DF13 haze is still drying, fuely smell was present there during flowering, will se if it is there after some drying…

it seems easy to make, like take fuely plant like ghost og and hit it with haze, but it doesn’t work like that.