Juicy Woo and others

Oh man, yeah the Tropical Boogie was absolutely amazing in terms of aroma and taste, exactly as you describe. Fantastic long lasting high as well with some mild trippy effects with a higher dose. I like to have one or two tokes and then play guitar for half an hour. Great effect and I am eager to compare the Juicy which I’m sure will be much different. :slight_smile:


like I said it depends on pheno. hopefully you got better one. I am also curious about your comparison. keep it up!

for @TomHill I found another pic of chocolate pheno of your haze, does it look familiar to you?


Looks like haze :grin: . I hate to make correlation that have not been proven but I am fine to share observations and hypothesize. I mostly try to look past the leaf color and look at the flower, the actual bracts/calyx. The best for me seem to always be coming from these lighter/paler flower, from lime green to almost a pale silver. The darker flower succumbing to auxiliary darker pigmentation (purple et) is almost never as good as the lighter ones. There may be correlation or it may even be a causerary situation I don’t know. Ie, the same genetically controlled environmental thresholds/triggers that effect photosynthesis efficiency may also effect cannabinoid biosythesis efficiency.


Sometimes I am asked, what I think of labs :joy: show me the results that explain why one is 30 minute high and one is 5 hour high. Show me the results that show why one is lethargic and one is make you see your soul. There is no lab anywhere that understand anything about these things and these things is the most important. Until they can catch up with our brains, then our brains is by far, the best computers.


very interesting hypothesis. less chlorophyll, better the effect.

I also have no evidence about this correlations. but I can say from your description, what phenos you like. and these are exactly the ones I use. my acid haze is lime green and the male, I use, is darker leafs, but pale silver green flowers.

look how male can make it pale in outcross


two many unknowns. what about quantum computing? but I see there is the problem of observer in quantum mechanics too. to understand how the effect of cannabis works, we need to understand molecular level of it. quantum biochemistry? :smiley:

till that I am smoking it hahahah :smiley: as brain responses to it very well :smiley:


acid beauty(toms acid haze x black vietnamese)


Beautiful :star_struck: @MAHAKALA


thanks. thats why one grower called her beauty. I sent them to him as THHz x Black Viet. but when he reported it, he wrote VB x THHz. I was like Jesus! no! hahaha THHz is the first, she was the mother. but he still liked to use VB x THHz tag for some reason. so I suggested him to give it name LOL he came out with acid beauty. thats the story hahaha.


Looks a little dark bro. The lime green is better :joy:


:smiley: It is outcross, not pure haze of yours. plus I chopped it at 14th November, I started to light. dep it at 14th of May. so you can count how long it took… I think tops needed little more LOL and 14th Nov is really deadline here. but of course in Nov we got some chilli nights, so color is affected by cold. in tropics it would be silver green this pheno, I got lime green pheno too. it was quicker 16weeker, will show later.

I would like to know, what is your observation Tom, about indoor grown toms haze and let say greenhouse grown haze? have you noticed some differences? thanks.


For sure haze finished in 12 hours of light in September is better than 10 hours of light in November., And indoor is best far from the equator


sure tropical climate is the best for it. but it gained some acclimatization for northern climate, no? it is bred at northern hemisphere for some decades. I noticed it can take some cold, for example old timer haze will not continue in flowering and stop it, when temps drop too much.

well my opinion is different. it is based on my experience. I grew it only once indoors. under 600W hps gavita. 5 selected cuts, and it was okay, but I didn’t achieve quality from greenhouse light dep. it is light dep, so harvesting is in Sept for16 weekers. in greenhouse I put it right into ground, no pots.

from indoors it was okay. the potency was the same, but complexity of terps and effect was much better from greenhouse light dep. I would say it was incomparable.

to the half of Nov I can get temps over 20 °C in greenhouse through day, but at night it can drop to 7 - 8 °C.

so you recommend 12/12 for it, at 11/13 you think it is of worse quality? cant remember it well, but you recommended even 13/11???



thai growers told me that they harvest December/January. and if I look at photoperiod, it is around 11 hours there.

also they told me that when day length prolongs, thai sativas tend to reveg very quickly. lack of water and nutrients can slow revegging a litte.


three days of light dep cant make any difference bro. not sure I understand your question. so you say end of October, then flowering has to start 120 days before the end of October. august, september, october is only around 90 days, you still need one month more. and you should light dep. till it is not 12/12 naturally or it will reveg.


Yes keep the haze in dark 72 hours and then uncover for it to grow. Yes July it is :rofl: I was under the impression that 3 days in the dark it will not stop flowering but… you probably have a way better handle on this than I do bro!

I think I am mistaken on the assumption that light depping the haze for three days will not guarantee they will stay flowering but will show sex and then go back into flower if the day length is long enough. I heard that some have light depped the Afghan leaning for a certain amount of time and they will remain in flower despite the day length so…


Yes I guess some acclimation has occurred. But only in the sense that I hunt 14week phenotypes more than 16week+. Very few halfsib selections have made their relatively small way into open pollinations.

I think Clarke said back in the '70’s that double THC is produced at 12/12 than 10/14. The numbers maybe not exactly accurate but the principle seems true in my experience. Longer hours of light gives better effect.

The other thing is the color of the light in tropical regions is much more blue than far from the equator because of the angle of incidence vs atmospheric layers.

I guess very high quality can be grown indoor with a 1000w halide say 4200 burning 13 hours daily.


Afghan yes… but not these tropical sativas. just try it and you will see. I learnt this myself, so you can too.


sure there is something special about quality of sunlight at tropics at southern hemisphere, do you think stronger UV rays make some difference too?

well I am little bit confused. you say more hours of light means more THC and that means better effect, but few post above you said you don’t care about THC analysis at your haze, as it doesn’t say how it smokes for our brains. thanks for explanation.

I agree that 10/14 for whole flowering cycle is probably reducing quality. but like I said that 11 hours per day are usual photoperiod when plants are flowering and finishing flowering in tropics.

I think about it, and how many hours for vegging indoor before flipping into 13/11? vegging it for 24/0???


hawaiian gas(hawaiian hashplant x toms haze)