Just got back from the local growshop... impulse buy : TGA

I went to pass a couple hours to my friend shop , he had some new arrivals there…but still not my C99… :frowning:
So, browsing the newcomers, I decided to add some orange flavor to the terps palette… And I got some Agent Orange…


Get ready for some big budsicles! :grin:

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Looks good, share your opinions after… Agent Orange was something I was looking for but haven’t been able to obtain good seeds / clones…

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Ah hell yeah!! Weed nerd. Im growing some grape lime ricky right now:)

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I’ve got some Space Candy and Conspiracy Kush in early veg right now, Vortex and Jacked-Up beans in the queue. The Space Candy seems particularly vigorous – hope they’re revealed to be happy girls :slight_smile: