Ufs#18, orange goji

Having a rough time lately. Hoping a fresh start will curb all the bullshit. Doing a bunch of UFS#18 and Orange Goji.
I received some OrGoji from a buddy on the site here, so figured I should throw some down.
Many thanks to @MBVapester and @50State !!!

2 OG on the left…the rest is ufs18


Hope this gets you out of the funk. Pulling up a seat!


Joint rolled popcorn ready in recliner let the how begin


Let the show begin. :sweat_drops: :seedling: :bulb:

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Gf claimed the orgojis…hoping for a 2 for 2 fem…gonna hold pollen if males…


Go go Goji!
And UFS for 20.


Solo cups for everyone!!

@MBVapester ready set geo has pallets of ffos…not sure how they got it… it available for us now!!!

Fuck…filled my car with gas…you should do the same before 2.00 litre

Waiting on my fabric pots…should be here any day now. Gonna give the dwc a rest for a while and get back to basics.


It’s funny because even though these are still seedlings, they give the room a very, very distinct smell…it smells like my youth. It reminds me of about 20 years ago, trying cannabis for the first time. Haven’t smelled that smell since then. Memories rushing back…skateboarding, girls, parties, getting high in the tig welding booth at school, no mortgage, no kids…ah, yes, good times.
But wouldn’t trade what I have today for anything.
I absolutely cannot wait to flower these out!!!
1 x Orange Goji (other didnt make it)
1 x purple kush bagseed (apparently PK)
5 x UFS18
1 x gg4 (cut from our brother @MBVapester)


Great! Pulling up a seat as I am in posession of the UFS and soon OG and would love to see how it goes for you.

Also hoping this fresh start works out perfectly and abolishes that roughness!


Good to see you got some OG started. I just flipped 1 into flower and have a male I am seeing how it looks as well. Hopefully the GG4 makes it and should be a branchy one because the cut came from well into flower.


Sweet. Are your doing a grow journal by chance?

And thanks, things worked out just right with acquiring some OG beans when I return home


Keep me updated on your OGoji progress! Are you keeping the male for pollen? Did 50 say it was okay to mix and chuck with his gear? Cant remember…but I want to keep as much pollen from the OGoji and ufs18 as I can.

Yeah, 1 of the 13 gg4’s made it. It’s not looking great, but it hasn’t had a dome over it for a week and I can see a tiny amount of fresh growth. Can’t see roots yet either, but something is keeping it alive…so it rolls on.


Too ripped to do a better search on where to reply to you😂. I was searching the UFS because one of my girls in flower smells exactly like this hand cleaner I used to use but forget which one and found this smoke report on it:

Firstly Effect like a freightrain for the brain, cerebral magic, brightens the day to where your squinting its so bright, wakes you up and bakes you out. Very Ocular. Selections are all selected to this and to more of a sit you down and evaluate your life introspective indica STONE.

I just mixed a tester in with a couple other buds and smoked to and kinda feel like that.


Both of your orange goji are rooted and in soil…the marauders are struggling a bit.

Do you mean it has the nostril burn scent?..lol
You’re going to love those UFS18’s!!! I had one that was pretty much a 10/10…bag appeal, smell, high and they grow super easy, but super fat!!!


@Tappy the UFS who’s seed stock iam looking to add this one to the line up
I’ve been looking at the naturefarms line but never tried anything of there’s and not heard much about them

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