Upcoming projects of OleReynard

Just joined and Overgrow reminds me of the old club I used to belong too.
I see politics is kept to a minimum so I hope I will fit in this site just fine.
Anyway, upcoming projects

Goji x goji purple fire thai

Stardawg v1 f2 x Stardawg v2 f1

My Ak47 will be bounced to Ibl status, these are out of the very first releases.
I have f2’s left for trading purposes.
Male and both females cherry parents which are still around in clone form.
Looking for that cherry girl or early Columbian, Mexican, Thai, and Afghani they’re all in here.
In fact have found some skunks in here that are better than beans you can buy at 2 bills.

Sunshine Daydream, 30 f1’s in a big repro run.

Romulan preserve

Tigers milk preserve

This is just a tongue drag of what’s gonna happen.


Hey! Welcome to Overgrow! That looks good, tell us more about your grow. Lights, medium, nutes etc.


I’m a seed cracker don’t believe in clones too much.
Have found out these Elite clones aren’t so Elite.
I have gone thru a dozen or so and the only thing that impressed me was the Borg and PM.
How fast they both can come on.

I use promix, used to recycle but found it to be too big a pain in my behind.
Then keeping all these bulk nutes IE: bone, blood, kelp, Gardner’s medium regenerator, and on and on.

I keep them small they start in a keg cup, then upto a gallon and finished in 2’s.

Pure blend pro is the nutes I use now, grow, Bloom and calmag.

While reading this you’ll find I am old school.
Cloning is done the ole tried/true rockwool, cloning gel, heat, single 2’ flouro and a dome.

Edit edit edit
I still use hortilux 600 lamps , 48 x 54 x 30 iPower tents. These fit in closets perfectly.


Lots of good projects! What’s the history of your AK and how long have you been working with it?

I’ve never grown it, smoked plenty but have never come across the legendary cherry pheno. I remember people online starting hundreds of seeds in the hopes of finding it!


The history of my Ak47, still have original packaging
Some of the first releases.
Simone and I go back aways, got his blessings to do whatever I wish with these.
The pack spit out 2 cherry girls, 1 cherry boy, and a beautiful orange haired skunk girl that also got bred to the cherry male.
No worn out clones here, made with f1 originals.
Where does 1 find where to put in avatar on here?


Click the your name and it should take you to your profile then click the drop down and click preferences and you should be able to edit it


That’s awesome, glad the classic AK is still kicking around!


How many phenotypic variations in the AK47 & have you found any cherry phenos? What litle I’ve read said “Simon says it’s about 1 in 100 plants”. :blush: :cherries:




Gogji Purple Fire Thai, almost had my hands on that one. Wonder how that will go. These projects sound like a good time.


The GPFT is a very intoxicating smoke, one pheno had you feeling in a drunken stupor.
Probably one of the strongest from Snowhigh.
I bought 2 packs or ended up with 2 packs down to my last 5 beans.
Be in with a goji run I’m gonna do and hopefully they’ll be something worth breeding.


Awesome! Exactly what I was wondering. Will be added to my list to keep an eye on. Sounds very promising!


I have found cherry in the offspring of these 2 girls.
Sporatic, the cherry pheno is a bit or a miss.
I’ll know more as the summer progresses there’s a truck load of these beans being run thru the Mississippi River valley both sides.
The outside growers are finding it, but it is not a dominant trait.
Actually, I prefer the non cherry phenos over the cherry phenos.
As far as the fgens that I have made, there again hit or miss but am finding a few here and there in each pack I’ve run so far.
Like I said the skunks I’m finding are better than anything you can buy, skunk wise.


:thumbsup: I’m pretty sure cherry & orange terps are greatest in skunk-dominant strains. :thinking: (e.g. Cali-O)



Yep, if you can find a pack get it.
You will not be disappointed, I’m running the rest this year.
Well see how they roll, if nothing else I’ll have some f2’s for ya.

If youre a Snow fan Magicman is worth looking into.
Had a cancer patient that thought it was laced with something.
He was an old stoner says ain’t ever smoked on nothing like that before.


Awesome to hear! Got amazing things happening over there. Ill def look into magicman.


Hey Ole Reynard :smile_cat:
Bring on the Romulan!
Saw this thread linked from elsewhere and I had to drop in…


Hello @OleReynard !
Im interested in trading for some of your AK47 f2s or IBLs.
I have many beans to trade. Let me know and I can send you a list.


The Ibls aren’t being released yet only the f2’s and they’re trade fodder.
Yeah let me see what ya got.


Won’t be much longer the f2’s will be on the LTD. List.
Plenty of v3’s left


Would love some :cherries: :gun: also? If possible to do a trade or something?

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