Just kinda found myself here...what to do with the monsters

Ok yes I know I have a mess on my hands. What’s in the picture are two Federation Hawaiian Sativa’s and two either Lemon Tree or GDP…I don’t trust my labeling so I won’t know till in full bud set.

These are outside @ 47deg N so no chance of finishing. Maybe the other 2 if they the GDP but I doubt it. I’m going to bring them in to finish but am faced with some obvious problems. The Hawaiians are probably 7 feet tall with the buckets and the others over 6 I think. It’s all I got for my next cycle so I’m not just going to start over.

Plan 1: Do nothing other than some cleanup pruning/defoliation and grow them leaned over inside… only tipping them up for water/feeding.

Plan 2: heavily prune 1 side (side facing down) otherwise same as plan 1

Plan 3: Go straight up Dexter and prune/trim/chop the height in half to try and fit in my tent.

Plan 4: grow them as normal but try to train it to be shorter ( a little late yes) even if it involves bending something over at a 90 …I have done this with success if carefully executed.

I have a room with 7.5 ft ceilings at my disposal so tent is not absolutely necessary and won’t work other than option 3 and even then I would probably only fit 1 per tent and don’t really wanna give up the two .

Any thoughts?



That’s kinda what I’m looking at as well. My outdoor plants grew about 6ft tall. some Pineapple Express crosses. and it gets cold here soon. So I’m thinking of bringing them inside. they’re in 5 gal growbags. I didn’t top them. so they’re like. just tall girls at this point, with some sativa branching. I’m thinking if I need to, I can just super-crop, aka bend, the main stalk right in the middle. and that’ll make a level canopy at like 4ft tall. and they can flower up sideways on that part. Like. Last time I used two 6’x8’ cargo nets. I could easily throw them across the 8 plants. and bend them for the flowering.

Yeah. my cherry tomatoes are finally getting ripe. too. There’s gonna be a pile. I put about 100 into the ground. some got drowned. the growbags are stacked full.

LOL. straight up dexter would be a plastic kill room, with some lights. right? as in. the old contractor’s special roll of clear plastic. I need to step up my game. should be building a floor in my basement tomorrow. We just finished trimming the last bunch of indoor plants. So. everything’s finally cleared out. Get my whole floorspace instead of half a room. Then I can bring my stuff inside. I just got another 700w grow light. and an evo10. and another 500w. should be enough big lights to put them on the ceiling n be done.

Yeah. the tents idea really didn’t enter my idea of what kinda room I want to build. like. I could have two 4x8 tents. or just use the whole room. it’ll be way better when I can vapor barrier the whole basement floor. Then it’s hydro time this winter.

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I would go for plan 3, happened to me vegging too long a Oaxacan, chopped the necessary even being already in flower and it went fine. Other plans may stress the plants too much, while chopping she will have plenty of roots for a vigorous recovery …


I like plan 3 except it might require me to cull plants which Im hoping not to do. Gotta do what I gotta do though.

@synapse57 ha…my lung room reminds my of the Dexter room except for im using cloth drop clothes for now.

Couple other pics for clarity sake


You got them this far, I would bend them and move them inside. Bend first, then defoliate as needed so not to overly stress the plants. Good luck!


Last thing I want is stress and hermies
…I just chopped half my indoor crop due to mold issues

When I have plants this big in buckets they always blow over and require daily watering. I found the solution is to drill some 1/2" holes in the bottom of the bucket. Dig a hole about half as deep as the bucket and drop a little fertilizer in the hole and place the bucket on top of that, then fill it in and pull the dirt up around the bucket. In a week or two the roots will find the openings and take care of the plants blowing over and the watering issue.


Bend and cut them to fit.

Acceptable losses.

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@BRMTreefarmer ya these lady’s have started blowing over on the regular for a little while now…if they were going to be able to finish outiside that’s what I would do

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