What to do with plants that get too big?

I started 5 different strains and 2 shot off like rockets and I didnt have room if my flower room to put then until I harvested. Problem is they are already 4ft and theres only about a foot left for them to grow before they get too close to the lights. Lights can’t go up any higher.

I feel like if I bend the branches back they will snap. Should I just cut it back?


You could try pinching/rolling the stems to soften them before bending


They are those hollow stems. I always end up breaking shit when I get those hollow stems. Ill try the twisting approach.

Only other option is to maybe go vertical with them.

Strains are Blue OG and Moby Dick from G13 and Dinafem. I thought they were indica but after reading they are sativa doms so this makes sense they shot off.

Like 1ft fan leaves so this why I thought indica


I’ve managed to bend a few hollow ones. I just slowly squished about a 4 inch section.

I wonder if you could do it like bending a cigarette… wrap a 5 dollar bill around it and bend it in half without breaking it lol

Could always use some me needle nose pliers. The stem may have vertical cracks but the branch will over come it.


Hung mine sideways…suspended in another pot. Had to put a twist tie around the tip and staple it to the wall.


@Tappy Crazy brò

Aaannd… there goes Tappy - full auto… with a nail gun!!
:laughing: :rofl: :heart_eyes:

I told you guys he was a maniac!!!



That made my night :rofl: Props for the ingenuity.

I’ve tied them down before or just cut the plant in half. Next time I think I’ll just take clones off the offending pheno and flower them as soon as they get rooted to keep the height under control.


Don’t make me get the stapler!!!


Thats my stapler


try bending them in an arc, I’ve had extremely good results before doing this


What @Lucky said it works wonders… Also dont worry about snapping them i tape tongue depressers to the sides of the break for weight stability but as long as you cover the break she’ll heal in a week

If it’s still in veg, chop it down to a few nodes and put it into flower once you have a few even tops. It’ll prob double to triple in height when blooming.
What I did to my plants week or two before bloom

Still got this (before bud rot :pleading_face:)

If it’s already in bloom, Supercrop simply by pinching the stem until you feel the crunch. Do it between each node, and as they grow start to space out more than you’d like. Don’t twist and bend hollow stems once they mature. Once the spot gets damaged enough, the plant stops stretching so much and focus on healing. I’ve kept a sativa dominant strain from overgrowing my mini cab in the past, and it went from individual buds to form what more resembled a cola.
If you chop it even a week into bloom, you loose a lot in bulk


I just put into flower room yesterday so its still in veg. Today is day 1 of 12/12

Im gonna try bending and if they break well they break


They are going to shoot up in height still. Your 4ft plant will want to grow to 8ft. Go ahead and chop since you still have time. Just don’t do it much if you can avoid it after the first week. Just make sure you have some nodes left on each branch you leave.
Oh, since each cut mean your topping the branch, if there’s a pair of top nodes/side branches that a close together, remove one, or else two colas will form very close together like in the ones I pictured… bad for air flow and invites rot…

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Supercropping and topping or fimming. Start training early on to control height and you also have to take into account the stretch when flowering is initiated.


Good advice and if they get out of control before you can do the training

whack them back with shears and start over they will grow back

it is a weed :slight_smile:

be safe and be free



Sh!t man, just wrap them up and ship them to me. I will get rid of them for you. All I have to do is wrap it up in some small pieces of paper and burn it up, a little at a time.


Excuse me sir but I believe you have my red stapler…