Just some of OJ’s pics

lol There is never any such thing as ‘overboard’! Only ‘underboard’… (at least, in her eyes) Just be prepared for many more years and each must be ‘better’! Just something to ponder, brother! lol


Every woman likes a gift no matter how small. A simple bracelet with a personal memory engraved and a dinner out I am sure would tickle her to death.


Dont go too overboard and make it hard to top yourself later


Thank u @JohnnyPotseed I appreciate it an yes we already been through a lot with my logging accident etc but yes I agree every year needs to be better how long u n rose been together u got any suggestions i should do lol anywho have a great day oh glad ur home an feeling better trust me no better feeling than get outa that hospital to ur OWN HOUSE lol


This is true… just the reminder you were thinking of them goes a lonnnnng way

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Together 42 yrs in January, married 41yrs in December. (still on honeymoon)
I’d do like OJ said, something nice in the line of jewelry and a dinner out. Maybe some flowers also


If a dinner out is a bit to much make a nice romantic dinner for her. These special extra touches are always a winning choice. Hopefully you can cook! If not order food and set a nice table and serve it to her……


My wife and I agree to not go overboard with expenses. We are pretty frugal. We splurge a little if we have it in the budget, but don’t run up any debt. Don’t want money problems. We try to live comfortably below our means.

If it’s in your budget to spend a little extra for the special occasion, then that’s good, but don’t go overboard, especially if it means carrying a balance on the credit card.


Yes I can cook lol an sounds good jewelry flowers dinner thank u guys oh necklace or earrings an of course roses or her favorite flowers thank u


Exactly we are trying to buy a house the bank is watching our account to see how we spend our money so I think I might have to keep this in mind thank u u appreciate that


Thank u OG fam for the suggestions I really appreciate it anywho off to the store for card flowers n dinner etc


Like @Oldjoints said. A well cooked meal goes a long way… A clean kitchen afterwards goes even a longer way. lol
It’s amazing how much an empty sink improves Eva’s mood.


Just dont get her anything with a cord on it. If it has a cord it means theres WORK involved. Pisses them off. I would go with something spakly. Not good cannabis buds! Maybe jewels.

Happy wife = Happy life.


Yes I love that motto happy wife equals happy life cause it’s so damn true ya Ive gotten her jewelry last few yrs so thinking possibly hotel room at the ocean I’ll cook dinner w card n flowers thank u @BigMike55 i appreciate it alot thanks again OG FAM

Good morning OJ, have a good weekend bud!!!

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Morning my Sensei. Hope you have a blast today, brother.

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About to go check my OD plants, saw the beginning of mold on a few buds yesterday…… :nauseated_face:


No! Not the dreaded mold. Thats sucks. But ive been there. I let an entire grow get screwed up with mold. Sucks.

I was looking at the girls yesterday and found a couple spider mites. I will keep an eye on it. Too late in flower to spray anything. No webs yet. Thats a good thing. I only lack about three more weeks. Think i will be ok to leave it alone and hope for the best? Or do you reccomend something?


Good morning @Oldjoints and family!


With three weeks left I wouldn’t leave it alone brother. The mildest thing I know that actually does something is dawn soap. It isn’t the best by itself but actually works fairly welll for something not designed for that purpose.
I use 2-3 tablespoons of dawn to a gallon……