Just some of OJ’s pics

*looks at 10 grams of smalls…
I think youll manage


That should get you through winter… :wink:



My roomie smokes most of the flower. I usually throw a small bud in the bottom of a bowl as a screen and smoke bubble………


@Oldjoints Good morning my friend

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Morning bro…. I’m off to tend to the girls.

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My hash stash has depleted to this. Going be a while till I crank out more as I’d shut down growing till spring.
Strange it won’t let me post the picture?

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Good morning my friends and to everyone else as well!


Just a few pics of what’s going on in my grow world:

First up is a pic of the veg room:

And the flower room:

Last up is the cloner:

If you look you can see little black tubes sticking out of the sites. I added these here and there because with using two large air stones and being sealed so well that the top was bulging up due to the pressure.
So I added the black tubing to act as vents to relieve the pressure from building up. It has seemed to work as it is no longer bulging and leaking.


Good morning brother. As always, lol you got thing looking sweet in there!

I see you got matching towels for the veg room. Nice touch.
All seriousness aside, you are SMASHING it!


Thank you kindly gentlemen!!!


You are killing it bro. They look over the lights in the flower room. :slight_smile:

Ok so this is it from this harvest. I wasn’t able to get all of the bud/trim in as I am only using the 5 gallon bags.
I am also to lazy to do more than just one run so when all is said and done this was my trichome harvest this time:

From left to right, 1st, 2nd, 3rd bags:


Yes the one plant (golden goat) is above the lights. She stretched a little more than expected. I took her off the soda crates and put her on a rag so the roots wouldn’t get to cold on my cement floor.


Looks DEEE-lishis.


Nice haul man! :slight_smile:

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smoking on some cap junky right now. its pretty nice stuff. even from the dispensary. really liking your work with the grobuckets sir. highly motivational!
i noticed that you dont use their top off system with the float valves for all those buckets. im looking at getting them now. have you considered them and passed on them for any reason?
BTW i too have trouble finding the patience to do a 2nd pull with bubble bags.

I am not familier with a top off system with a float valve. The grobuckets I use have a float/flag that tells you when each bucket is low on water and needs to be re-filled. If you look at the first pic above of the veg room you can see the little green flag which is the float for the grobucket system.

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gro tech who makes the grobucket insert sells a kit to keep 10 grobuckets topped off with individual float valves for each site. just takes a second hole level with the overflow hole. wish i was more savvy id post a link.

I believe you are talking about their irrigation kit. My garage is an outbuilding without water so this would not be functional for me to use. Even if I did have water in this building I doubt I would use this system for fear of a bad leak and flooding my building.