Just some of OJ’s pics

gotcha. i dont blame you for that. my lung room is where the basement sump crock is located so worst case scenario isnt all that bad. i beleive it can be gravity fed as i hope to do with a 20 gallon reserrvoir i have sitting around.

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Good morning @Oldjoints, my friend

Good morn JP!
Hope all is well in your world……

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No complaints, brother. i know folks that are in way worse shape. At least I’m looking down at my plants, instead of up!


Good morning my friend, @Oldjoints how’s that garden doing this morning?

It’s still dirty on one end and green on the other so I guess it’s doing what it is suppose to do!


'Sup @Oldjoints
Hope you have things going your way.

As far as the plants go I think I pretty much have things on track.


How’s it hanging bro?

Same ole same ole, beauty of a day here though so I am planning on getting some work done if I am up to it.

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I hate it when I’m down and not able to take advantage of these beauties. lol
Here’s hoping for you man. Giterdone.

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@Oldjoints good morning to ya my friend!

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Sorry been a little out of it today. But it’s all good as I am starting to feel a bit better.


Good morning @Oldjoints I hope ya feeling better?

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Yep feeling better than I did for sure. Just got done tending the girls and soon off to take Rob to a Dr’s appointment…… oh joy!


Good morning, brother. Hope everything went ok for Rob at the doc.

They said he has to get a series of Botox shots in his arm to help with tremors to relax the muscle and tendons. So no operation so that’s good.


Amen bro!
Good morning @Oldjoints .

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Morning Mobilly, glad you stopped by!

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Good morning brother, hope ya have good weekend.

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