Just some of OJ’s pics

Morning brother OJ and the rest of you dam hippies.


Lol may not be as much socializing if it were full blown drums and all that… way too loud… but i tell ya buddy… i think it would be a lot of fun !! I think id impress you guys … maybe not… idk how hard it is to impress you fellows

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Drums here aren’t going to happen. It’s one of the few instruments i have tried to play so I know how loud they are.


I did not know you tried to play drums… haha… not easy is it bro?

I was lucky and had it just born in me… it just made sense from the get go… i taught myself from the age of 13 ish… the music teachers chose the town dentists kid… so i went on and learned it without them… i understand the loudness lol… although i will say… i am able to play quieter its a later learned thing… to be able to be lightning fast and yet gentle…

I used the rush moving pictures album and led zeppelin 1 through 4 and metallicas …and justice for all album to learn for the 1st 2 years… then i moved on to pantera and heavier stuff to learn better double bass technique…

I could have been famous… but they dont want ability these days…:roll_eyes:


Id like to get an electronic set… so it isnt so loud all the time etc… practice whenever and all that… theres a few aspects that suck about them though…

Good morning brother OJ, and all OG!

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I gotta know!!! Did the Gab work last night?!

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Indeed it did, brother. lol another 7or so hours of sleep… un-interrupted no less!


Dang RIGHT!!! I am thrilled for you brother!!!
Smiling my ass off right now!


Thnx brother. As much as I hate taking rx meds, I gotta say this time they did something i needed. Not sure how much longer I’ll take though…


Even if you only decide to dose a couple of times a week it’ll help get rid of some of that luggage under your eyes. A couple of days of refreshing sleep a week would make a big difference.
You got rest the first night you used them soooo… Maybe a couple times a week?

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Good Morning kindfolk!
Get to blazing and leave no prisoners behind……


Great minds, and all that! :wink: :+1: been thinking along the same lines…

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Gotta partial bowl topped with rosin (as usual, of course!) lol already getin-er-dun
A couple ‘sips’ is all I can handle right now, but it’s doing the job! lol


Well I got a late start. I haven’t even fed my critters yet. Then we’re off to Delores’s place to milk and take care of her 100’s of chickens, guineas, ducks, pigs… OH and goats! Dang unruly pushy bitches!!!

I’ll check in from time to time but not much today considering I have some construction work here on the place and taking care of two homesteads… We’ll be a little busy today.

Catch you guys and gals later.


Take it all in stride brother……


Don’t go over-doing it!

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No way that’s happening. Eva leaves in a couple of days for Minnesota. I’ll be running the place alone until just before our OK gathering.
I can’t afford to get laid up. If it gets too hard I’ll just do the minimum necessary to get by.
No matter what though. I’ll be there even if we have to use my wheelchair. We could have wheelchair races around the circle drive!!!
I think I’ll go with the 5 horse Kohler on mine…


great to hear! lol I was thinking the same thing! :man_facepalming: :scream: :rofl: :sunglasses:
It may get crowded there at OJ’s place!
Honestly don’t think I’ll need my wheelchair though. The rollaround walker should be enough for me.
Just gonna be a few busted up old farts along with the younger bunch, lol
But sooo looking forward to seeing all of yas again!


Brother OJ, from the looks of that rosin you just made. You’re getting it down!
Did you use hash, or buddage?