Just some of OJ’s pics

I plan on it, but you know what they say about plans!

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lol true, but also another saying about plans… ‘failing to plan, is planning to fail’

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I sorta have my own saying on that:

Hope is not a plan it is a goal you have not worked at achieving…….

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Well, I just hope my plans don’t fail…

Good morning @Oldjoints & @JohnnyPotseed
All my plans fail so I plan to fail… Works every time.

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Nothing wrong in failure!
Failure is nothing more than a stepping stone to success. As long as you learn from that mistake it is one that you can now recognize and work at not repeating.
When I first started growing indoors i think I made every mistake a person could make. It took me awhile to get consistent results regardless of strain.
I now rarely fail my crop only because of the mistakes I have made over the years. I can look at a plant now and diagnose a problem that it is showing and take the proper steps to fix the problem. One strain could have much different needs than another strain in the same environment.
You will get there bro, the key is learning from the mistakes you have made! @MoBilly


By the time I’m done I’ll be able to compose a complete and thorough encyclopedia of how NOT to do it.
I know you are right though. I’ve learned quite a bit the last year and a half. I’ve had more failures than successes during that time. I’m getting my legs back under me though, with help from some outstanding friends and growers.


@Oldjoints Good morning my friend


Morning bro, I figured out why my pressing had such bad yields. When Rob purchased this press he left the micron size of the pouches at default which was set at 15 microns! Of course he has no clue what micron size is needed. When I told him he understood what the problem was. @JohnnyPotseed


Morning Bruddah.
Yup. Even tho I still suck at growing, I learn something new about it each day. I’ve come a long way in just a few years. Helps when you have a good support system like our growmies here at OG.


Good morning my friends. Have a great day brotarsky’s !!


For me it was trial and error. 90% of the time I have been growing it was illegal so I was a loner just trying this and that until something worked. Started outdoor which was always at the mercy of the weather. I was living in the NE so had to use strains that finished early and were mold resistant. When I finally went indoor the best lights were street lights and parking lot lights. There wasn’t any lights dedicated to cannabis. I used floro lights a lot and had fairly good success with them.
Been a long strange trip ………


Yep, lol that’ll def do it!

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I use 26 for mine

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For the hash?

lol hit wrong key, it’s 26

Indeed it has.
I think back to like 1970 when I took my first toke. How things have changed. Back then, we just had Pot. It was either good pot or not so good pot. Almost always Mexican Brick. But we didn’t even cal it that. It was just Pot. It was much later on that we started with the branded. First it was Mexican, Jamaican, Columbian. Then it went to Sinsemilla. Then we started getting all the goofy names. I kinda miss the old EASY days.


Yea it was easy if you were just smoking, not so much for growers. No cannabis nutrients, no good lights, no good references for information……

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I bought a variety-size package to first experiment with. tried a fw diff sizes. Found ‘the one’ work best for me is the 26 or it might be 25, lol can’t remember. Haven’t looked at the size in over a year, so I forget the exact… lol i just grab one from that package of em that I’ve been using

Actually, I think I need to order some more for next time. lol Running low, and i always use 2… think I got 2 left.

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I looked on line and there is conflicting information on what’s best for what you are pressing. For ice hash for example I have seen everything from 36u to 90u.