Just some of OJ’s pics

Morning Johnny, still scootin along?

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Yeah, barely lol but scooter is getting plenty of ‘work’ lol

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Cap Junky cross looks stellar.
I picked a bud a few days ago to check the seeds. Smashed all the beans out. The leftover dregs will be smoked maybe this morning. Stickiest buds ever. Your gonna be happy.
I will have seeds of Cap Junky x Blue Tara. The flowers are incredible on that lady.

Good morning, Sensei.


Should be one great strain…….


Good morning @Oldjoints . I hope you’re having a relaxing morning.

Think my name for her will be Chunky Junky.
I frickin LOVE that plant. I will be trying the smoke in a few minutes. Ill let you know. It will be harsh and tasteless. But ill get an idea of how the head will be. I’m excited.


To be totally honest I hate the cutesy names. To me it will be Cap Junky x Blue Tara or whatever the specific case may be as far as the cross.

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But how far back?
What if folks don’t know what makes Cap Junky or Blue Tara. And say the lineage goes fifty different strains like Frankenstein. Do you go (put Frankie list in here) x (put Blue Tara list here) the whole thing started from a specific sativa or indicate a thousand years ago.


I have to agree with BigMike here. As long as I can make note of the parents of a strain, I’m good. Folks are usually pretty good at noting the parents when they make crosses.

I like Chunky Junky. It’s easier to remember than Highland Punto Rojo X (Little Red Riding Hood IBL X Wonder Woman). That’s just me though.


That’s what I mean.
And… Is one supposed to say what made that Wonder Woman and Little Red Riding Hood.
I like the names. It forces me to see what it is made of, if I like it enough.

What are you running sir??? CHUNKY JUNKY, my man!!! What is it?? My friend BigMike crossed a Cap Junky with a Blue Tara. Sounds right to me!


I do get what @Oldjoints is saying tho. Gets very confusing for the grower. Not so much for the consumer.

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I like it. It’s better than Cap Junky :slight_smile:

I agree, it does get confusing. Even more so considering us “older folks” are used to the female first, male last order when naming a cross. Now it doesn’t seem to matter.

For me it’s about information at a glance. For those that know their strains Cap Junky x Blue Tara tells a lot about what the seeds are about. Even if you aren’t familier with the strains you can look them up.
Where as a strain name no one is familier with tells you nothing. If I were to google Chunky Junky what would I find? Nothing! Now times that by all the seeds out there being made and what you get is a bunch of mystery strains. Talk about confusing!
I have strains now that I have no clue what they are for this very reason. Will I grow them? Maybe but not while I have strains I know what they are and are winners.
The name Cap Junky is one of these cutesy names.
What does it say to you? Would you believe me if I told you it has nothing to do with the strain itself and more about who made the strain? Cap Junky is a strain made by a union of breeders Capulator and Seed Junky Genetics. The strain is made up from
Alien Cookies x Kush Mints #11. You may or may not know these strains but you can look them up. The only reason I was able to find out this info was because these are well known breeders.


I really do see your point. I’ve grown long enough to know that names mean nothing. Tracing parental lineage isn’t that important to me personally, because ultimately, they all come back to some unknown southeast Asian sativa and an Afghani. Look at how many chems there are out there, or diesels. Are they really all legit? Probably not. In addition, I’m trusting that all breeders that make a living from the sale of seeds are being completely truthful. Most probably are, but I guarantee you there are those that are not. Names are half the selling point in sales. I think it’s more important to be able to reference a grow or multiple grows whether it’s here, ICM, RIU, etc. based on a reference name than it is to trace lineage that probably isn’t entirely accurate. I’ve never heard of Blue Tara or bothered to look up its lineage because I’ve seen it grown here and have direct access to honest grow reports and pictures.

You’re not wrong and you’re obviously an outstanding grower. My perspective is just a little different is all.


And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We are all entitled to our own preference and outlook.
I am certainly not trying to say what anyone should do or not do, I am simply stating my own personal view on the subject.


I persnally love your grows. It reminds me of when I was young on the farm growing in 5-gallon buckets of aged cow poop, only you do a much better job at it :slight_smile:


Thank you! Appreciate that………
Though I am not a great grower, I do try to do well with what I am working with.


…says my Sensei.
If there’s a better grower around here, I have not found them yet.
Still looking.
Morning OJ.


What if I do it like this.

Chunky Junky
(Cap Junky x Blue Tara)

That would cover all the bases.
Also was wondering. Those Cap Junky were Female seeds. Crossed with reg Blue Tara.
I know this will not produce feminized seeds but what should a person expect, for sex on the babies?


Expect regular seeds…….

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