Just some of OJ’s pics

That would give all the information needed. What others do with it is another thing……

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Remember when you handed those Blue Tara seeds and you said, these are a “Must Run”???
Too-shay, brother. Those Cap Junky x Blue Tara are going to be a " must run". Excellent plants and definitely top shelf cannabis. Some of my best yet. Even better than my Island Sweet Skunk, as much as I love her.


Wow bro that’s quite the statement coming from you!
The Cap Junky is indeed a great strain, I consider the Blue Tara one also but the CJ seems to have her beat in the frost department. Still the combo should be killer!

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Growing goals! Keep up the good work.

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Good morning brother OJ, and all OG

Morning bro! Got my chores done so I am chilling it.
I think it’s time for some bubble magic.


Good morning @Oldjoints and all you others as well.

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Morn @Mobilly.
Just a little tidbit for you, on these Sips we are using. I have now started not filling my buckets when the flag goes down for at least a day. In many cases two days. My plants have looked better once I started doing this. I still feed every other watering and have had good results. I have also learned not to add water to the soil via top watering.
Just a few tips I have picked up since using these buckets….,


Thank you bro. I caught your tip about the dry day a few days back and you are correct. Remember the wilted looking leaves I showed you? They are standing proud now. Thanks for the tip. Feeding every other time sounds better than doing the smaller feedings every time like I have been. I’ll definitely give that a try.
Thanks again man. I hate that I wasted all that time and frustration on my screwed up system but I did learn something. Also I might have saved the AR as well as the VB. Both have perked up and are “praying to the lights” so to speak.
If that AR comes back, in a big way, after the mess the roots were in I will be amazed. I do, however, think she’ll produce some for our efforts.


Edit: Feeding every other time I water. Not watering every other time. lol
I need to get high. Straight just doesn’t work for me anymore.


I started doing about 3/4 strength of what Fox Farms says to use. Plus the Beasties Blooms then I will do nutes, until nearly dry, bites again, until nearly dry, and then plain water, until nearly dry. Seemed to work fairly nice. Except for the two plant that did not like the extra nitrogen and burned back the flowers a bit. But they came back.
Point being, nutes, nutes, water, nutes, nutes, water. Worked dam good.


Said “Capt. Oblivious”. Sorry… “Capt. Obvious”…

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Good morning brother @Oldjoints and OG

Good morning Johnny!
Have most of the clones you sent over in soil now, may have to give a few away as I didn’t expect all of them to make it.


Good morning brother OJ. Hey if ya gotta give some to others, that’s great.

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Morning @JohnnyPotseed and OG!
Chilly out there this morning……

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Too chilly! Good morning my friend
Tomorrow is first day of Spring

And time to get some seeds soaking for my OD this year. It is going to be Maple Leaf Indica due to its mold resistance. I am tired of losing part of my crop to mold.


Good luck with that, brother. Hopefully it works for ya.

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Amen to this. Most of mine got destroyed last OD season.

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