Just some of OJ’s pics

Good morning brother OJ and all OG. Hope today finds ya doing good?

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My zamadelica cross. Seems to be quite good against the mold .


That’s a beautiful specimen, right there. Good job.
Is that from my beans??

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Just got done with tending the girls and putting my OD seeds in soil. And so another season begins!


Yep, pretty sure they came from you, through me. lol

Nah matey my own cross of peanut butter breath X garlic breath X zamadelica. About 4 weeks to go but I did see your cross on hall of genetics. What is it crossed with. Your outdoor zamadelica was beautifull

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I have that other Cap Junky that is in the garage. I am thinking to put her in the garage come about June.
That plant has zero flowers on it yet every time I walk into the garage, it reeks of cannabis in there. Good sign???

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Sorry @Billybob … I didn’t see ‘cross’ lol but the original Zammy are some beans you got from me?

I have no clue. She was pollinated by an unknown donor from the neighborhood.
But that was one stellar plant. Watch out for mold. Its a buzzkill.

If that’s the only plant in there and in veg than that is one stinky plant. I haven’t found that to be a good or bad sign, some strains are just that way and some may not smell at all until late in flower. The stinky ones are usually female though so that part is good.

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I knew it was a girl. S-1 seeds. I just have not experienced one that reeks like this in veg. I shit you not. With the garage door shut, you can smell it outside.

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I have had some skunk way back in the day that smelled like skunk. It smelled bad in veg and flower.
The plants were almost black. Got the seeds from some outdoor plants grown in southern New Jersey by my niece. Wish I still had some of those, stuff was potent!


Nah matey I bought them from England. But I do have a Frankenstein out bush that I should take photos of.

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Cool, post em on my circus thread, please.

Will do matey.

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Good morning brother OJ and all OG

Morning JP!
Hope all is well in your world!

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About the same as usual, here of late. I’m still kicking… well, ‘metaphorically’ speaking at least! lol

Still kicking is good!
It the last kick that’s the shitty one. Just make sure there are no buckets laying around. You don’t wanna kick one of those.
Morning guys.


Good morning brother OJ, and all OG! Hope today is a goodun for everyone!

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