Just some of OJ’s pics

1975, Spring, Landover Maryland. I was stationed at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland.
Then in 1977 I was living in Hot Springs, Arkansas and a good friend blessed me with a ticket to the St. Louis show. Both excellent shows. But I would say the 75 show was better. They still seemed a bit raw.


Thats so cool man… i wish i could have been there… for all of those!


Good morning OJ and OG :coffee::coffee::coffee:

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Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!


Morning my patriots of the green.
Finally finished getting all my OD plants out. Was rough digging in mostly rock and clay.
Anyway here they are:

The group:

A couple Maple leaf Indica’s:

And a Gelato:

I also have a White Rhino and a Sunset Fritter in the group.


White rhino and white widow were always 2 favs of mine!!! Im stoked to see those grow up!!

Can you teach me???
Oh, wait. I’m already a student.
No shit, tho. Nice pile of bushes.


Only downside to growing OD is that now that I have 6 plants OD that’s 6 plants less I can legally grow indoor. And I surely would never go over my limit……., :sunglasses::innocent::roll_eyes::scream_cat:


Hell no… That would be illegal.
I remember the first time I saw your outdoor stuff in person a couple years ago. Right outside your back door. It inspired me to grow that Zamadelica tree last year.


And if I am correct you have a few OD now don’t you?

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Yeah. Once you start, its hard to stop. I wasn’t going OD this year but… :joy:
I’m a little disappointed in mine, so far. I put them out a few weeks early. I didn’t figure it would bother them too much. They really took a beating. They went from nice nine point leaves to threes and even a few singles. They have not snapped out of it yet.
Still have a few clones left and I just started nine baby Chunky Junky a couple days ago.


That’s not a rare thing at all, they are responding to their new environment and light schedule. Have no fear they will stop their pause and kick back into gear. As far as this area goes I have found the best time to get them OD is mid May at about 3 ft tall. Depending on strain and how well you did digging a good size hole and amended correctly you can get monsters!


I did not “amend” the soil this time. But I had a 30 gallon trash can full of well used soil that has been in the trash can about 9 months or better. I mixed that into what was already there from last year.
I also put a small amount of Osmocote around the stem of each plant.

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I saw Roger Waters at the Hollywood Bowl about 20 or 25 years ago. They played the entire Dark Side of the Moon and the Wall. It was awesome. I bought very good tickets for that once in a lifetime opportunity.


I’m a bigger Gilmour fan than a Waters fan. But I do like them both. Gilmour’s guitar playing is just perfect to these old ears.


I am very liberal with Osmocote, I put at least a half cup around the base of each plant. They are time release ferts so you can’t burn your plants with it. Be generous with it bro it won’t harm them. Best thing is sprinkle some down and then put about an inch of soil on top of it all.


Do you add any other liquid nutes when you water, in addition to the O-cote. ?

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Not until flower……


Really! No veg nutes???
I usually mix up a five gallon bucket of nutes on nute day. I use it on all the outside indoor plants and when there some left over, maybe one to two gallons, I give it to my in ground cannabis plants. They don’t seem to mind.

You certainly can do that. But the Osmocote should supply them with all the veg nutes they need if you have enough down. You saw the 12 footers i had out a few years ago…… nothing but Osmocote!