Just some of OJ’s pics

I use to work in a nursing home. Started in the kitchen and ended up as the telephone operator on the switchboard. I met two of the most amazing people I have ever met in that nursing home. A man I would consider a genius at about 85 years of age.
His wisdom in all things seemed unparalleled to me at that young age.
The other was a black woman with an incredible mind and some of the craziest adventures in life I have ever heard. She pulled me over to the side once and asked me if i knew where I could get her some grass as she said she really missed smoking it. Every week from then on until I went into the service I always had a little baggie for her. She was always greatly appreciative and almost giddy from excitement when I gave it to her.


i love gifting people weed. :+1:


Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!


Good morning @Oldjoints and all you others this morning. I love that story brother. :slight_smile:

I have met so many amazing folks at the places I sing. We’ve been doing this now for around 16 years and during that time I’ve become friends with many of them. I’ve even sung at several funerals through the years.
It breaks my heart to see how many are there that NEVER get a visit from those who were supposed to be their “loved ones”. What’s infuriating is knowing that some are in nursing homes in the same city that family live but still no love is shown. So much wisdom sitting there wasting away with no grandchild or anyone else even thinking to benefit from it.

Where is the goodness in those people anyway? It’s either not there or hidden from view.


I think it’s called guilt. They know they should be taking care of these folks but just would rather have them “stored” like unwanted articles of clothing and furniture. They don’t want the expense or trouble caring for an elderly person.
It’s one of the reasons I always took time to talk to as many as possible and to just listen to them.


A valid thought. I know that a great many are in way better shape than Mom is. Yet still I see them in these “homes”. I mean, sharp minded and physically able to dang near take care of themselves!
Humans can be so inhuman.


My sister worked in the same nursing home as I did,
My mom worked in the kitchen. When my mom got to old to take care of herself my sister took her in until she passed. I went and visited her shortly before she died, She didn’t know who I was but I still felt better knowing she was in good hands and would die loved and with loved ones.


Very inspiring words here. I lost my dad a little over two years ago. I was in the hospital with him watching him take his last breath. One of the hardest things I have been through. But I never left his side.


Incredible story bro… I used to know this blind guy when I was a little kid… like 8 years old little… my mom worked at a nursing home… and sometimes my sis and I would be there for a while…
His name was Roy… and every time we would try to sneak up on him he would say our names and ask if it was us… we’d giggle and run off and try again quieter each time… it did not matter how quiet we were… u just can’t sneak up on a blind guy…
We were the light in his day looking back now…
We spent hours talking to him… he was a unique individual… very kind… and very interesting


It actually infuriates me that we discard people when they no longer are useful to society. I have seen abuse in nursing homes and it is criminal in my opinion. Luckily the one I worked in had some very caring people working there. But not all nursing homes are that lucky and it’s the patients that take the abuse.


I’ve heard that it’s different in other countries. The elderly are a cherished people. The United States of America has spoiled its people to a point where so many are self-centered and uncaring POS’s.
I have a bad feeling that many of them are in for a wakeup call in the future. A third world wakeup call.


Good conversation. My stepfather was in one of those nursing homes. Its not pretty. Food looked like someone had already ate it. Very rude staff. And filthy. Just terrible.

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I will say, though, that most of the places we play seem to be decent places and treat the folks well. There is one, however, that I refuse to return to. The staff were absolutely awful. I mean just rude, unpleasant… and the place stunk of urine. We went there once and when they called again it was unanimous. The band didn’t want to return to that pit.
I think about those poor folk often. One of us made a call to the state about them but I don’t know what ever came of it.
I left there feeling horrible. I can’t imagine being there on a regular basis.

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Some pics of my OD plants:


Unfortunately the young girl below is already starting to flower. So yield on her will not be what I am looking for:


Dang nice looking plants bro!


I am lucky aren’t I ………


Or just plain GOOD. Take your pick. I’d say it’s your experience showing. I don’t think I’m wrong. lol


Yeah… what he said!! :point_up_2:

Always so humble… you’re a good dude bro… plants look amazing :clap:

Luck has shit to do w it lol


NOW, who’s the showoff???
Beautiful plants, again, brother.



Git em boys!! Lmao

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