Just some of OJ’s pics

Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!

Morning, Bringer of Sweet Dreams, and all you knuckleheads.

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Good morning @Oldjoints and other friends!


Morning you crazy mofo’s!


I’m off to home de pot to get some things I need,
Catch you all in a bit……


Catch you later brother.


Goodmorning over this way where we find the sensei


Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!

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Good morning @Oldjoints and all OG!

What up, Dawg??
I’m gonna follow your orders and get some Vortex cuts this morning first thing. Maybe a CJ x Votes or a Vortex x CJ in our future.

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Good Morning my Okie Growmies!

Here are the seeds soaking for my next grow. OG members picked the strains so here we go:

I also got my HPS lights down and switched them with my Spiderfarmer 4000’s. So now both my rooms are ready to rock!


Goodmorning oj, looks like you’re getting primed for prime time!

Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!

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Good morning @Oldjoints and crew!

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Morning brother OJ. Next couple days are gonna be brutal hot. Stay cool and hydrated.


Good Morning you tokaholics……

Got all my seeds in soil after a 24 hr soak. 5 of 6 Dosifyah’s already had tails so I am expecting a good ratio at least from that strain.


I’m interested to see how those SF4000’s do for you. I really like mine. It would be better had it come with a dimmer but I have a tall ceiling so it works just fine.

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Mine have dimmers as all the newer ones do. I have been using two in my one room now for about 3 years. They have done well for me so finally got rid of the electric hog HPS lights and put in two more 4000’s.


I wish there was a way to modify my old 4000. It would be nice to be able to dim the lights when I work that corner instead of unplugging the 4000. With protective glasses, I can’t see well enough to see problems I might find so I have to unplug the light and use a handheld light to examine the plants.

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Unfortunately those lights are not made to be dimmable. Even the driver’s installed are not made for the capacity to be dimmable. I am afraid you have what you have in that one.

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