Just some of OJ’s pics

There you grow again.
Morning Broski.

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Mornin my brethren. I’m excited for this cold front coming this evening.

I’m in the deep South and we have a cold front of 93° today down from the high '90s. Def jacket and beanie weather


Good morning all!

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Goodmorning oj and everyone!!

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I live 6 and a half miles north of the deep south. There’s a waffle house you pass and you know your in dixie

Been 7 days… gotta put a pic of those beautiful od plants up buddy!

Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!


Good morning maestros

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Hiya boys and girls. Hope you all have a great day


After 24 hrs I have 16 of 18 popped out of the ground 6 of 6 on the Bubba Kush, 5 of 6 on the Dosifyah and 5 of 6 on the Bog Bubble.

Good Morning friends, tomorrow suppose to be a coool day so get out there and enjoy it!


Here are the OD plants:

Coastal Mary Maple Leaf Indica:

Sunset Fritter:


The next two decided they want to start flowering:

Maple Leaf Indica:

White Rhino:

The Coastal Mary are from seeds that I bought. The other plants are courtesy of @JohnnyPotseed


That maple lead indica keeps drawing me near… is that 1 that was bought also??

Yes the only bought seeds were the Maple Leaf.
The other ones are clones JP gave me……


So… is that Maple Leaf and WR going to just continue stacking until October? Has the daylight timing changed that much already?

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Nope won’t make it that long. It will finish probably by mid to end of Sept. Some plants will flower way ahead of others, according to the pheno and type of plant.


You hear how we are supposed to be going to 25 hour days because of how the moon drifting further from earth? I wonder if that’ll fuck flowering up outside?

Projections suggest that in 200 million years, a day will extend to 25 hours. This evolving dynamic of Earth’s rotation underscores the importance of advanced measurements.

I don’t think I’ll have to worry about that particular problem. There’s enough other things to worry about. Like robot birds and now this!

U.S. military researchers have chosen two organizations to develop enabling technologies for insect-size robots able to perform complex jobs like disaster relief or inspecting hazardous environments that are inaccessible to larger robots.
AND SURVEILLANCE of the masses!!! :astonished:

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Oh lol I saw nasa say something like that and didn’t read it lol … never a straight answer = nasa

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Lmao that damn mosquito have a syringe :syringe: :rofl:

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