Just venting for a minute

in the early 1990s I had a 1977 Monte Carlo that had the GM Rally Wheels Matching Rims and Top Hats. well, no good sorry egg sucking, cat humping, bastards… would steal those Top Hats in 5 minutes flat, and I happen to have the misfortune of having 4 sets of Top Hats stolen in a 2 year period. actually the last set was retrieved by authorities on site, as the culprit just so happened to be debilitated by a headless arrow shaft stuck partially in his buttock cheek, hip and leg, or maybe it was completely… in his buttock cheek, hip and leg,

I really don’t recall.



wow. yeah seems just so petty but i guess if there an easy way to get money, steal it, lol i wonder if he still steals things or if he is hobbling around thinking how bad his ass hurts when it gets cold outside


That really sucks. I was going to ask if you could file an insurance claim, but I think you answered my question before I asked it.


Deductible is a dirty word


I was reading our insurance papers the other day and it pretty much said “we don’t cover anything but if we do it’s only up to 50% of the value.”

Not my favourite industry.


Accurate. And insurance is one of the many forms of fully-accepted, legal gambling practiced by corporations at the expense of the people.


I was a professional gambler for a long time and a quote I always remember is “the gambling known as business looks on the business known as gambling with extreme discourtesy.”

Or something like that.


Yep. Look at a craps table at all the different wagers you can make, then really look at the stock market…at all the different wagers you can make.

The difference is that the stock market can be manipulated by traders via PR/media without many repercussions to get stocks to do what the big players want to see…but manipulate the craps table and you may not make it out of the casino intact.


At least I give some entertainment value when I take my 7% :joy:


Human beings, the worst species on earth!! Sorry to hear that! Read when you posted and it lingered… Hope all is at least a bit better now! :pray: :hugs:


yeah insurance didnt cover as i only had liability, but i now have full coverage after they took my wheels. so if it happens again ill at least be 50%covered, i just didnt think i needed it as the car is 21 years old, yeah the days are getting better, but that day it happened really put me down, for now though i am out 1000 bucks and trust me, it wont happen again. if it does though ,ill be more prepared but hopfully ill be safe


Right! Wtf

Aaand… Lets make it illegal for everyone NOT to have it!

I’m sorry to hear that. I can’t stand a thief. Sorry you had to go through that. I’ve been Jacked before. They weren’t so lucky. I gave them what they were looking for. But the experience of someone wanting to steal something of yours isn’t good. I can say this what goes around comes around remember that. It’s like @Floyd said it doesn’t matter if you got locking nuts. A hammer and a socket I’ll take those right off. An alarm is better.


yeah just was hard to go through, seeing that, its something i never expected to ever go through, just wow, shocked i guess. but i am a firm believer in karma and what you sow is what you reap thing. so i am sure the universe will have it way. nothing worse than a thief and a liar and i am guessing the ones who did this are both. being jacked for anything just sucks. it is such bull shit, now imagine the world if the bad did not exist a world where the people shined because of the good, well it is only a dream


I had my best friend steal from me one time he went through my Bible he knew I kept cash there. Freaked me out I took newspaper put all over all the windows so no one can look in I’ll fix it so he couldn’t get back in. The fact that he went in my Bible that’s like touching a man’s hat. He didn’t think I could find him. I did I didn’t do anything to him. He’s dying now he needs a kidney. That’s why I say what goes around comes around.


thats heavy

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I’ve had the battery and rain covers stolen off
My Harley a few times I gave up buying covers for it $100 a pop lost 4 in one month,fuxking homeless take them make tents out of them lol

Had the battery taken out of my Harley a few times decided to spend some money get an alarm for the bike,

Went down stairs one morning to go to work fuckers had cut the alarm wires taken the battery again


Wow. These stories. I live way in middle of woods but I think if these bastards kept doing it I’d hook up 110 volts live to my bike. Being on wheels it probably wouldn’t trip the breaker. An extension chord with end cut off would do it. When they completed ground , if they lived I guarantee no more fucking around.

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And go down for premeditated murder. Death sentence for thieves is only slightly less barbaric than chopping off a hand but a lot more permanent. Sharia law follower are you?

Setting up any kind of booby trap than can cause injury or death makes you the felon in the eyes of the law

A simple motion detector alarm for $20 will scare off most punks or at least alert you so you can go out and shoot the bastard like a real man.


Sooo, rock salt is still OK?

(Asking for a friend…) :laughing:
