Just venting for a minute

Did it really need a /s?


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And THATS why I moved to the middle of the woods!

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My exwves punk ass nephew used to steal shit from me. I knew he was apuss and scared of dogs.
I wanted a mastiff until mom told me how much they shit.
We got a Chesapeake bay retriever from a rescue
Similar to a lab but less friendly and wary.
She had yellow eyes. Wouldn’t hurt too bad if she bit
Wouldn’t make a judge rule against me if I got sued like a pit or Doberman might. ?
I kept her in the house
One night I walked up from the barn with my flashlight and remember I left my saddle on the porch so went to retrieve it. She sounded like a hound from hell! When I shine the light in the window her eyes glowed like a demon :imp:
We didn’t have anything else stolen
She was a great old rescue dog.


yeah rescue dogs are truly the best they are appreciative, i would say that is a good dog @Trowertripper


Should always rescue a dog if you can for some strange reason I can’t because I live in an apartment,I did try before and that was the answer I got,


I rescued this monster when he was 12 weeks old,his ears were clipped already,paid $100 got talking to a lady one day outside a coffee shop she was about to bring him to the shelter,

His name was buddy,he lived till he was 13 years old died of cancer.he had a good life


I can’t stand a thief. You do take care of your dogs I got to say. I love the big dogs. Just the clean up can be messy. I rescued my dog. @anon98660487 take care. They make the best dogs.


I use to rent an in law apartment when I first moved to San Francisco the law lord lived above me with her 2 Great Danes these were like 2 donkeys and she had hardwood floors,I got it cheap because I one would rent it lol
Them dogs did the biggest shits I’ve ever seen well for a dog ,use to feel bad for the bloke she paid to come lift it


My big dogs were always easier house trained than the little ones
The Chesapeakes I had both had a weird habit of wanting to poop as far from home as they could. They preferred to run across the street or into a field with tall grass to take a dump. Bith of these girls I had would wait until I got home even if I were two hours late before they could go
Real classy ladies both of them


very nice and happy

Really crappy to hear thieves are the worst seriously but addiction is a mofo I have had my vehicle just pillaged on countless occasions over the last few years as well as many other thefts occur everything short of a break in I live on a dead end that used to be quite safe and friendly then about 2 years ago they finished building a housing complex for low income folks and I’m not saying they are all bad but it attracts just the worst people the complex is on another road but a path connect see it to my road and it’s much quicker to get anywhere using my once quit ed street now there is a constant stream of people walking by my house at all hours many of them on drugs and with bad intentions really sucks I feel for you sir