Kamikazi heat run

Shouldn’t be because of the heat, as long as you have adequate airflow on them, cannabis does just fine in the heat. Florida boys been growing outdoor a long time. However, if it’s high heat but low humidity you might have some stress. Whats your RH at?

I see, it’s fluctuating a pretty good amount. Might want to throw a dehumidifier in there to keep it within a 15% range instead of what it’s at. That’s probably where alot of stress would be occurring. Make sure that airflow is top notch though and it shouldn’t be too bad


Got a 4” in-line blowing out with a 4” computer fan under the bottom pulling air in in a 2x3x6’ grow space. I know there’s an equation to all of it but idk how it works, I just know air blows out pretty good. I did recently turn the light up some to see if the photo will flower better, that caused the higher heat and lowered the humidity. Should have reset the meter with that change. But yes I need to do something to dial it in better


There’s nothing much to learn from me :grin:, that’s why I have no diary, the two on the left are Hindu Kush fem, the rest Bubba Kush … beer3|nullxnull


Goodnight!! Those are beautiful! How old are they?? What soil/ferts do you use?

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Thanks :grin:, no idea how old they are, as I told you I just don’t keep records :roll_eyes:. I use Canna Terra Professional mixed with my garden soil and perlite, Advanced Nutrients pH perfect adding alternate complements (CalMag, molasses, Silica Pro, kelp …) and all the good info and tips I find here in OG, I would never reveal my unorthodox methods … :sweat_smile:

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Week 4! The bubblegum is looking fancy and frosty, the buds are surprisingly tight with 25% light power. One bud I trimmed all the leaves off just for the fun of it and observe if it makes a difference with the extra light.

This boysenberry/Black triangle on the other hand has gotten me stumped! Received exact same treatment with soil/nutes as the other one, and instead of fattening up its continuously been stretching! Has anyone else had a plant grow like this??? I am almost out of headroom so debating topping them, supercropping, or moving the bubblegum outside so I can pull the branches down. Then there’s the part of me to just trash it and start blue cheese, or golden leaf! Idk what to do, even been maxing out 2 different bloom nutes, added molasses, both fresh and fermented, using strictly rain water, she won’t fatten up just growing straight up!.


Just got back from a little trip over the weekend so missed the Friday update. So today is the actual light flip day which is the mark of week 6.
Bubblegum is getting thick, Still growing some. Leaves aren’t looking good, losing color and getting dry. I’ve been heavy handed with the nutes, and might have used too much blood meal, being the bag doesn’t really give instructions on how much to use per gallon of water, just how much per square foot of soil. Other nasty issues is after 3 days unsupervised, I came back to inspect her and found SIX different nanners throughout the plant! The hermie is strong with this one lol. Definitely doesn’t like the high temps and high humidity. But that’s ok, I’d rather grow a bad plant then have to wait til summer is over to start a grow. Besides it’s a great learning curve and still produces smoke. .

Boysenberry/Black triangle is starting to make a turn around! Buds are stacking pretty good finally! I said screw it and topped every node to keep from stretching. This one’s been taking the heavy hand nutes quite well with no sign of issues, some leaves are curling so probably getting too much water. And my ding dong ass totally didn’t take into account that this one didn’t start flowering till 2 weeks AFTER the flip, so technically this plant is starting week 4 of flower! Now it is more fitting with the development stage. I’m starting to like this plant and the smell, and looking forward to what she can do.


Today is week 7! Or if my calculations are correct, day 49 of flower for the bubblegum, and 35 days for the boysenberry/black triangle. Bubblegum is getting ridiculous with fatness, forgot the term used, buds making those spindily tower shoots off the sides. Many more hairs turning orange, yet still stacking with plenty white hairs. The nanner growth had dropped quite a bit so that’s good, only found a couple over the week. Smell hasn’t strengthened, but I don’t remember if it gets stronger in the last couple weeks or not. Still smells nice and gassy. Harvested a branch, many trichs are cloudy with plenty of clear still. Since this auto is technically a “super auto”(very annoying term from what I gather) it should be done right at 8 weeks or 60 days

Boysenberry is getting frosty! Buds are thickening pretty good, not dense, just in overall size. When the bubblegum is done I’m going to center it and pull the branches sideways and drop the light to try to get more light coverage and help out the bottom more airy buds. Had to dim the light all the way back to low with this influx of August heat, so light intensity isn’t near what it should be. Yes I’m being a pud backing off the whole theme of this grow lol. I’ll turn it back up when the bubblegum is gone
The new additions in the back are the Blue Cheese autos I got from ILGM. Started them outside, but they got spindly so decided to make a shelf and throw them in there for now(haven’t had a full day of sun in weeks with this crazy rain we’ve had)


Well, now we are at week 8. And this count down has ended. And not in a good way

looks like the high humidity has paid it’s toll. It was completely not visible from the outside, until I put the loupe to it and noticed some abnormal fuzz. My heart dropped! The trichs were just barely starting to be all cloudy with a small change of amber. Very small so still had a good week or two left. Good news, it was only on one bud, the biggest, but I pulled the whole plant to prevent losing anymore. farewell bubblegum. Some day I’ll try your offspring and see if we got full autos next grow.
Now the boysenberry is starting week 6. It’s buds are looking pretty big, but sitting through them, they aren’t super stacked and tight, which is a good thing. I guess it’s how this strain grows. I’m keeping her pruned down in case I don’t get a dehumidifier put in before the end of this grow. I got one, but need to rewire things. With the space I bent branches down and dropped the light to expose more light. At this point I just want this plant to finish to start some seeds I’m dying to grow! I’ll do my best to finish this one and not throw her outside lol.

Blue cheese auto has blown up and kicked into flower. Loving that it’s small so I can try a micro grow! Keeping it in the smaller pot to finish. This plant has NO smell from the stem rub still! Is this normal for fem autos? Usually a plant by this size will have a great smell to it


Bummer to see that rot, hopefully it is just that one bud :neutral_face:

Rest are looking good!

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No worries my friend, I was actually surprised it didn’t happen sooner! With humidity riding 65-90 I expected it eventually, but sure was excited to make it so close to the end! Troubles of a shed grow in the deep south

Week 9 since flip, 7 since signs of flower with boysenberry/black triangle. At this point its more of “hurry and finish so I can start seeds I been dying to grow all summer!” Hairs are starting to turn color so we are getting closer for sure. Smell hasn’t changed or gotten stronger, nor has the trichome production. But that all very well could be from the out of whack environment. Added an extra fan to circulate air better and prevent mold on this one. Buds are more airy so im hoping we’re good to go

The big ILGM blue cheese auto is hitting the stretch and starting flower! There still is zero smell to this plant even with a stem rub! I’m liking it tho, it’s small, only 5 finger leaves, and is growing super fast since moving into the cab. The smaller blue cheese on the other hand has a good smell with the stem rub! So strange how one does and the other doesn’t. It’s throwing pistils. Super tiny one, well, it’s super tiny lol and just doing it’s thing getting ready to amp up growth, really put on a lot through this week. Space is difficult with the lanky boysenberry so gots make due with what I got! oh ya. Smoke report on some early picked buds from the Bubblegum, bout week and a half early from final harvest, the girlfriend LOVES it! Says it’s a hard hit and it’s actually her favorite smoke so far! That was NOT expected, especially from an earlier pulled bud and what I’ve read around here about this strain, but I haven’t grown many strains and the good one I did grow I harvested too early, so the bar is set low for us still lol.


Week 10 since flip, week 8 since sign of flower. So close to the end of this boysenberry, I’m ready. Due to the lack of density and abundance of leaves, the boysenberry will be for edibles, and first attempt at RSO. I am harvesting based on when the new seeds I dropped will be potted and ready for tent, not based on trichomes. All of them are cloudy at this point with a random amber so ya pretty much done. Will feel free to wipe my hands of this disaster plant and start fresh

However I am enjoying these blue cheese autos! They grow so damn fast! And they’re in 12/12 so im sure they’d be doing much better at 18. When new seeds pop I’ll be switching to 18 so hopefully the autos just keep doing what they do, tho I read light schedule doesn’t mean a hoot to autos. We’ll find out!
This is probably the last update on this diary for I’ll be starting a new one with the Hindu Kush and GG4xOrange Grove, a grow I been dying to start for months! I think I like starting new threads for each grow vs the single thread that spans on for years, it’s easier to read and quicker for the lurkers around here, and it allows me to forget about these shit-show grows I’ve had lately lol. Hope to see y’all on the next one!


Thanks for the read, it was a good journey.

Shame about the rot, but some bud is better than no bud, eh?

The boysenberry should make for great RSO, I’m excited to see how you do the whole process and your results.

Hindu Kush and GG4x Orange Grove? Count me in!

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@Dr.VitaminGreen thanks dr dude! I’m glad somebody liked it, it was definitely an “eh” grow, but the bubblegum was enjoyable and I look forward to trying to make it 100% auto in the next generation or two.
Yes the gg4OG is from an awesome grower here! I think someone else here grew it out but I’m proud to be able to do it for him, I’d tag him here but I don’t want him seeing this thread and regret sending me beans​:joy::joy: Thanks again dr dude!

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It’s always a joy for a breeder to watch someone growing his seeds, even if it’s not an entire success (not your case). I mostly grow seeds from Ogers, plants look more familiar to me and it’s a way to honour all the effort they put on them, willing to see your next runs … beer3|nullxnull


Haha, no shame in this game! It’s just some plants. Lots of egos but as long as you can smoke your own grow, it don’t really matter as long as you’re having fun and learning. Thats why this community is awesome, so many beans and so little time. Everyone needs to try to grow a pot plant at least once!

Much love