Kamikazi heat run

You know what? Screw it! I’m tired of waiting for it to cool down to grow. I miss this hobby! Summer is here basically, and I’m firing up the grow cab! My cab is in the shed, outside, not insulated and vents from directly outside so the temps get wild hot during the summer(Deep South). I do have a window unit to rig up if need be, but we are going to see how these plants do in blazing hot heat!
Growing Bubblegum auto, and a freebie, noodlecut/boysenberry x black triangle(ikr, wtf kinda cross is that). Temps are high at 89 with light dimmed all the way down for now, humidity 60s-80s. Here we go!


I’ll watch. I got the same issues. Only in summer. But hate the humidity.


Try to keep humidity high or they will fry :sweat_smile:, good luck with this endeavour, following along … popcorn


This will be interesting, I battle temps similar in summer but with high humidity and very little temp difference between day and night. Good luck with your grow👍


@George thank you for that graph, that’s extremely helpful and will keep close through this.
Week update, transplanted to bigger pots to prevent root bound, in fox farm ocean Forrest soil, using very diluted liquid ferts. Light still a nipple bump up from lowest setting, 13” from tops. Heat hasn’t gone over 91 on hot days. Boysenberry doing great, skipped 5 and went straight to 7 leaf. The Bubblegum Autos, well, they’re still trying to figure out life. Idk if it’s an auto thing or what, I got the seeds from someone here, then these are seeds I made, so at least 3rd generation. At least They topped themselves off the get go :rofl: guna be fun to watch these develope.


Autos are light feeders, that soil is potent, I would give them just pHed water or you risk a nute burn, they look a bit “uncomfortable”. I love those big fat leaves from the rest … beer3|nullxnull


Ok gotcha! Been giving the autos straight water, and switching every other watering with the “normal” plants lol. So far they’re chugging along, the autos lower internodes have taken the front seat and stretching up past the main node which is just fine I reckon, one is growing normal

The boysenberry/black Triangle are beastly plants with thick leaves, a couple are putting out 11 finger leaves now which I’ve never grown before so I’m excited about that! Really amazed of the internode growth as good as it is with the light dimmed almost all the way down. SF2000 I think is only 200-250 watts max so who knows what low is…

Heat has jumped up to 93.9 for the highs and 88 for the lows, humidity 65 at high temps, 89 during sleep. Plants don’t seem to mind it so far, guna be more concerned during flower though! But that bridge is down yonder still. Either way these are happy plants which makes a happy grower and all thanks to the wonderful people of this site that have been so cool to share their knowledge to newbies such as me, and for that I’m forever greatful cuz this is all for my beautiful wife to help her with her well being. Pharma can suck it!


I still don’t know, nor have tried any LST before, if that would be a good idea for these plants, or if topping would be good too so I’m open to suggestions! I’m expecting half of these plants to be males so estimating 4 will qualify for the final round, I’ve grown 3 in the cab comfortably, I think 4 will fill it up pretty tight. This is only my 3rd grow.

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Don’t call yourself a noob, plants are looking great now :kissing_heart:, I would avoid any LST or topping in the autos, keep doing what you’re doing as plants seems to enjoy it … beer3|nullxnull


I deal with extreme heat too. Today is supposed to be 108! But “it’s a dry heat”…



@George man thanks! I’m always super excited when I don’t butcher something lol
@Dirtron so far the heat doesn’t seem to be a factor. Idk if it will cause stress and turn em all into males or anything like that. I take it you live in the southwest? I used to live in Phoenix area. I always wondered how plants would do outside out there. Is that what you got going?
Um, there’s a problem. I just found out autos need to be in final pots. Barely 3 weeks in from seed And one is flowering! This thing is like 5-6” tall! It’s a male tho so as long as I can get some pollen to make a seed I’m ok with that. Just hope the other plants don’t flip now also they’re even smaller! Ugh.


Okie dokie another week and we are at week 5! I’m giving it couple more days then the lights will flip! Did my first LST on the boysenberry/Black Triangle! It’s fun and neat seeing the undergrowth shoot up, all side stepping and dominating.
The autos are showing sex but still small, hard to tell if female but one looks like it. They’re small but that’s ok. Thinking about pulling them outside during dark hours so they’re not stuck in 12/12, and I got the male ready to drop pollen any day now so I need to separate it until females able to be humped. Heat is still around 93-94 degrees high, 88 low, humidity is 70-99! Got to figure out something in there soon. Ordered a small dehumidifier to try out

That little stub of a plant in front, an outside grow plan, I accidentally left it outside the cab when rearranging, I figured it would be ok and I’ll put it back in the next day, well a rat found it lol. It was as big as the autos! Little bastard.


Weekly update. Autos, doing awesome! 2 are females, got the male separated so the ladies have time to get bigger before really pollenating. 4th plant still hasn’t shown sex yet. I screwed up and left the male in there to pollenate the preflowers to make sure I saved this strain, then read it’s best to wait for week 2 or 3 to introduce pollen. Hopefully it doesn’t hinder the bud production, luckily only one female was showing flowers then so the other one should be ok. Boysenberry plants are doing great, only 5 days since light flip so it’s hard to tell sex. 3 are showing something but too small to tell still, but they’re looking like males so far so I’m not feeling very good about it. Hopefully the autos do good on 12 hours, cuz they’re stuck on photo schedule. Temps haven’t gone higher then 93 which is surprising since this crazy heat wave have been wildly hot!!


Weekly update, things have changed a LOT!it’s been a week and 3 days since the flip. For the boysenberry/Black Triangle, all the sex has shown, and just like the other 2 strains I grew from GLG, the male/female ratio is HORRIBLE! Out of 4 plants only one is a female. Don’t like hating on companies, but out of 3 strains, they came out to 0%, 25%, and 33% female. 2 gifts from growers here were both 75% female. Sorry GLG. Your seeds were disappointing.
Anywho, Here’s the boysenberry. Did the LST and I’m loving how many bud sites there are and how even it is. Definitely going to do that more often

Now the bubblegum autos I’m really excited about! They were a gift from Cadman, apparently they came from a Mark from Strainly. A few others here grew the same seeds out, but they seemed to not auto and had to be put into 12/12. I didn’t have that problem tho, the first 2 I grew out last year and was able to make seeds off the preflowers and got to harvest those seeds before an animal ate the entire plant! So I’m not sure if these are from the original, or the next generation, but 3 autoed just fine! One male that’s no longer with us, and the two super long ones. Those suckers stretched like CRAZY!!! Had to bend one over cuz it kept going up even tho the light was basically right on it. And one I think is a photo, cuz it’s just now starting to flower and hasn’t stretched and still short. I did manage to pollenate the true auto with the auto male so I’m hoping all the seeds from this grow are true autos, but I don’t know jack about breeding just guessing at it.


Well this is wierd…I’m on week 2 of flower as of today, and the boysenberry STILL isn’t flowering! Anyone else have this happen?? I’m certain the lights are 12/12 cuz it’s set to go off when I leave for work and I check on it when it comes on and it’s on the right schedule. The preflowers are there, but no sign of flowering. It should have a small bud on every node by now. What’s wrong with my plant?

Here’s the bubblegum “auto” that started flowering when I switched the lights. This is where the boysenberry should be as far as I’m able to tell from other grows


Weekly update: bubblegum autos are doing ish…one started throwing nanners! Don’t know if it happened from the deformed start it had, the constant temp of the 90s, or genetics. It is the only of the three that Hermed. Removed that one and is growing outside. I’m picking the nanners off as I see them, so far there been only a few, and low down on the plant, no sign in the bigger bud sites which is good.

Other two are looking fabulous, of course, yet again my attempt to pollenate the one that autoed first, resulted in the entire plant full of forming seeds :rofl:. That’s ok tho. Misted/wiped down entire plant/cab so the other two ladies will (hopefully) be fine. So far other auto(that flowered after flip) is my favorite with multiple bud sites and is seed free! Yay one out of 3!!
The boysenberry is still transitioning to flower. I feel better now I read some strains can take up to 3-4 weeks to start flowering. It’s getting there, she stretched and pistil population is getting thicker at the nodes, and she’s staggering beautifully
Hopefully the buds come soon, I think it will be a beautiful plant with nice even colas


Update: things are interesting. The 2 autos are doing ok for the most part, and the boysenberry is getting taller and taller! I can’t find any other grows or even much info on the boysenberry. One forum someone said they think it comes from Gogi OG, that’s about all I can find. GLG has a ZLab forum but I can’t find a register to sign on to ask around there. Just over 3 weeks into flower it’s still stretching up and buds aren’t getting fatter. Idk if this plant is a sativa dominant? Or if it’s operator error(most likely)

I’m intrigued with this one due to how different it’s growing then any of the other(whopping 2) grows I’ve done. If anyone here is interested, I’d like to see someone who knows what they’re doing grow these out, I got 6 seeds left if anyone wants them they’re yours. I have however had it throw nanners out of a preflower, and found one male sack hanging at a lower internode! Idk if that means it’s a true hermie, or just stress from growing in mid 90s temps. Most likely stress, but I knew that risk growing in middle of summer.
The autos are getting fatter! The tall seeded one is chugging along quite well and seeds are developing good

My favorite one is doing great and getting fuzzy! I noticed that many bud sites the hairs tips are turning brown, so I pooped myself and searched the whole plant up and down, found one little pistil nanner and removed. Every nanner I found wasn’t opened so I don’t think it’s pollinated. I read the hairs can turn brown at tips when touched, and I’ve touched it a lot peeking for nanners.
So guna keep an even closer eye on all of them. For sure not the best grow but I knew there would be trouble. Looking forward to fall to start a blue cheese I ordered from ILGM, and came with a Golden Leaf freebie!! That or northern lights or Hindu Kush I got from I49, but I read some negative things about them, but there are lots of good reports too


Actually growing two fem from Sensi seeds I bought in the 4/20 offers :yum:, what did you read about them? icon_e_confused|nullxnull

Your plants are looking great, did you finally top them? beer3|nullxnull

Oh just that their genetics weren’t good, but that was from one person and another was never received seeds. I know one bad comment doesn’t mean anything, but it just resides in the back of the mind ya know. But I won’t let that ruin what could be the best plants I’ll ever grow! You got a diary going on those fems? I’d like to see what you got going for sure man, I love seeing y’alls grows I’ve learned so much from everyone here just in the diary’s

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Oh ya forgot to post this. I picked up a temp gun cuz I was curious what the plant reading was in contrast to the hygrometer. It always bugged me what the true temps were in the grow room based off position of the hygrometer from distance to the light. So just because it read 92 from its position about 2 feet from the light, I was for sure it was much higher where the tops of the plant were from the light.

I pointed the laser at the tippy top(Q proof) of the highest bud to the light and I couldn’t believe it was a lower temp then the hygrometer from way further down. Idk I thought it was interesting. Now making my mind run about hot temps and stress and what equates to stress on a plant that reads differently