Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

When I looked last night, I was up to 3/5 :grin:. The 3rd one was juuust starting to show its root last night, u imagine by now it’ll be out and almost ready to transfer :grin:

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Nice, the rest should pop soon if not do like I did on the last 3 and scrape the ridge on the seed and that should allow in moisture. These are still pretty fresh and aren’t popping right away.


The one that opened hasn’t shot its root out yet… I’m a little concerned. The paper towel they’re in is damp, but not wet, and it’s being wicked out of a container of water with air going into it, so there’s lots of oxygen getting to the beans. It doesn’t look water logged, it’s nice and bright white still, it’s just being… Shy, lol.

I’ll try trimming the ridge off in the morning when my hands are a little more steady, lol :grin::grin::grin:

Ya gotta love seeing beans sprout, they look like little tad poles (keeping it G rated here, lol), and are going to grow into something soooooo much bigger, lol


Hmm. I do tend to keep my seedlings on the damp side of things, just let the surface half inch or so dry before watering. Humidity isn’t usually very high, though it has been mostly in the 60%s lately. I find it balances my unwillingness to do seedling domes. I’m letting them dry out now though, and we’ll see if they like it better :smiley:


I have never germinated fresh green seeds. I always dry/cure them for at least 1 month. I believe it primes them to pop when they are rehydrated. Also, all my seeds spend some time in the freezer which also helps with germination but demands that they be dry. When I started growing nobody had grow lights and all pot was grown outdoors so winter time was for curing and storing seeds. 🥸


It’s funny how easy (well, easier lol) it becomes when you think about recreating what it would go through in nature, eh? Takes some of the mystery out of it :blush:


Hi, I just found the way to your garden. Putting up a chair and lighting a spliff…it’s nice here :innocent::v:
May I hang around here for a while?

Nice plants. I hope my outdoorplants will look as good as yours soon. Happy growing :maple_leaf::maple_leaf::maple_leaf:


I put them through my juicer then throw it back together in the water jug for the ppm if needed if also find the green from the spinach helps your plants stay nice and green

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Finally occurred to me - my soil could be too “hot” for them. Did you have yours in nutrient rich soil from the start @Kasper0909 ? Thank you btw for sending more seeds. I want to get them figured out! :slight_smile:


It Seems you are not wrong with the fresh seeds, they are currently in the freezer but just wanted to get some out there. I figured they wouldn’t be 100% yet. Tho 7/10 popped no problem the other 3 took slight help but now have tails.

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Absolutely, the more the merrier! Welcome! Thank you for your kind words. :grin:


My seed starting soil has only worm castings and mycos usually in 2/3rds cocoa coir 1/3rd potting soil approx with perlite added too. I never measure tho. But I usually don’t feed anything but slight worm castings till I get them past the cups.


Also any time you want seeds to practice with lemme know. :ok_hand: :+1::grin:


Dream Blush (BDJ6 x Blue Kush)
Love the way these plants looks. @Tracker


Thanks! That would be really helpful, though what you sent already might be enough. We’ll see. I’ve got lots of home bred seeds, but mine are all happy to be dumped in highly fertilized, thoroughly watered, 10g grow bags and just let do their thing. All the seeds I have that don’t appreciate that were either expensive or are limited runs from other folks.

I did take out one of the seedlings today, and it had no fibrous root development. I replanted it on other soil to see what happens, but 99. 9% of autos would never recover from this state. Interestingly, this one was in a bag of KIS’s mostly peat soil which had already been used once. I thought I watered it less than the others.

I think next time I’ll try some of them in a Cactus Mix soil I have. Its very light and drains really well, and only very modestly fertile.


Well don’t stress too much about them, if they don’t recover and you feel like dumping them its no problem at all. Autos may use less nitrogen early too. I definately messed my first ones up of these and I’m gonna let the last one do whatever it does. :rofl: but I do have some just now sprouting in there forever home so as not to disrupt them. One of the reasons I went with the SIPs and extra care on the seed run cuz autos are so darn tempermental.


My favorite soil mix is like half cocoa coir, potting soil, perlite and worm poop, pretty much mixed however you desire. It’s almost impossible to over water(cuz im bad with that). For veg I mix some dry organic tomatoe fertilizer(Dr earth).
Then around flower i top dress with the Dr. Earth flowergirl. But the cocoa/ pottingsoil/ perlite is my favorite so far.

This is outside the liquid ferts, labs and other fermented products


I’ll send you like another 50 Afghani auto seeds then you can practice autos whenever you have a little space in the corner. I’ve stunted almost every auto I’ve grown exept the seed run and one auto other plant and that was a beauty.


That’s probably far more than I need :laughing: but I will enjoy whatever you send. I mostly grow autos, and they mostly do great, so it’s been a surprise to find these didn’t do well. I’m very interested to explore them further. I’ll probably do some side-by-side comparison experiments with some of my own crosses. Its a great chance to develop my gardening skills. :smiley:


Those look great. The structure and leaf shape looks like the Blue Kush is dominant over the BD. I’m interested to see how it flowers.

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