Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

I think leafy greens produce amazing in sip systems, or good old Kratky container set up.

Last year, I had my romaine in 1 of my earth boxes (sip system) and the neighbor asked if it was hydroponics due to aggressive growth it was displaying. Just a simple near hands off approach that produces exceptionally for a smaller container


I was talking specifically about the WMBK I have read guys says harvest 75 days 58 days iam at week 17 and i still have this week and next week flush so 19 weeks total 10 veg 9 flowering . I realize it all in what you want out of your plant

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Does anyone know if there is an edible Mushroom spore that would possibly grow in a mulch bucket?


@Kasper0909 . Pearl oyster mushroom.

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Ooh OK. Awesome :+1:

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Dream Blush females


Greenhouse finishing up

Tho the Odisha cross may have a ways


What aphids? Haha freaking aphids on the Odisha are getting annoying. Barely touching the other’s,

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Looking awesome brother…

I have one question about your fertilizer regime…

What would happen if we Aerate it with bubbler?
Would it add aerobic bacteria to the mix and speed up the process or it would it cause more damage to anaerobic bacteria?

I am planning to take this route for my vegetables and orchards :wink:

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No I think it would work great getting that oxygen throughout. In fact I’ve been mulling this over recently. Some sort of bubble would work great in there. Also it should break down much quicker.

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The liquid fertilizer is not to be sealed so it is aerobic bacteria. It makes sense to have a bubble in there I think but not necessary.

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Thanks brother… :green_heart:

Of course…
I just wanted to put my airpump (which has been sitting ideally) to good use LoL…

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It will be cool to see how it works. I was thinking at the time of diluting and using it depending how much you need. Say its 5 gallons total after diluting, Bubble that with a spoon full of black strap over night then use.
When its first breaking down there is allot of air trapped down there with the material and it starts to bubble on its own. But when it’s all broken down id think bubbling it when using it would greatly help.

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6 out of 10 so far on the Afghani autos

Moved them to a paper towel. not really good at this method of sprouting but it seems to be easier to germ test this way


2/5 of mine have popped in 36 hours, pretty decent! Of the 2 that have popped and are now in rockwool, 1 has already taken off and is about 1/2" above the rockwool :grin:

Edit: 10 hours later and another has a li’l root popping out :grin::metal:


Here’s mine, hoping they’re just focused on root growing right now.


One thing I’ve noticed is I usually only water the seedling once the first couple weeks, not sure if you just watered but look a little damp to me.

But they don’t look like they are struggling especially that first one. I definately stunted those first two I man handled.


Looks like my germ test is 7/10 so far. Other 3 are back in the cup.


This Bbd f2 x bc tester Bud has my mouth watering. It is so heavy.


Tomatoes have all sprouted. Yay